
March 9

1. Jason came home and told the girls that their mom was going to take them somewhere really fun tonight. He suggested Classic Skating or to the Lehi Pool. My back was hurting and I was dragging my feet. Staying home was fine with me! With a little persuading we ended up at the pool and it was one of my favorite nights of all nights! Jason and Emilee went to a YM/YW missionary month activity together and Max went swimming with the scouts. So it was just me and the 3 little girls.
2. The girls packed up their stuff at lightening speed and were in the suits and waiting in the car. Once we got there they ran all the way inside SO EXCITED!!
3. I loved watching Abbie and Lucy play together. If there wasn't anyone else in the world but each other, they would be perfectly happy. They laughed and swam together like best friends. They went down the slide 200 times, and came up each time laughing like it was the first.
4. Jayne wasn't sure she liked it. I don't know if it's because she is still trying to feel better or if it was because she hadn't been swimming in forever. Either way I just sat with her on my lap the whole time. She stayed entertained by watching her two big sisters.
5. Oreo shakes at JCW's. Abbie has never been so excited when she saw how big they were.

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