
May 27

1. Lucy and Jayne got to go to school with Emilee today for her preschool class. Em was a little nervous about all the responsibility of the whole activity. She also took Meagan, Brooklyn, & Sophie.
2. The kids end of school awards assembly. Abbie got "Positively Positive". And Max, "The best all around boy." I was a proud mother!
3. Watching Max at his Utah program. He had a speaking part and sang a million songs. He never cracked a smile once and kept his serious face on the whole time. He had a hard time doing all the actions all with it. His hands didn't really ever move with the rest of the kids.
4. Lucy got to go on a Lady Bug picnic with her kindergarten to the park. We didn't have a drink to put with her lunch so I sent her with a coke zero. I'm sure her teacher & other parents were concerned.
5. My mom and Grandma B stopped by for a minute. It made my day! We sat on the porch for a few minutes and talked. Mom brought over rice krispy squares and a dinosaur summer kindness challenge for my kids. They will love it!
6. Sushi with Jason
7. Movie tickets in the mail from Bret.
8. I LOVE this time of year!!!!
9. My computer is fixed. Thanks Chris!!!


May 18th - 26th

* My computer has been getting fixed so I haven't been keeping up on my journal. Here is a few of my favorite highlights of the past week and a half.
1. Because of the crazy weather, fathers and sons got cancelled. Jason and Max still went up to the cabin with some of their friends and had their own fun fathers and sons outing. Dinner at a Mexican restaurant in Heber, and then playing a BS dice game all night.
2. I have 4 of the cutest daughters to a have a girls night out with! We ate at the Pizza Factory, always my girls pick. Then went to the mall to shop. Jayne was difficult, surprised? Em had a breakdown in the dressing room because I am the strictest mom in the whole world about her clothes. "Why can't I just let her dress like everyone else?" Then we went out to McKinsey Warner's wedding reception, took a million pictures in the photo booths, and then ended the night back at our house watching Justin Beibir's "Never Say Never!" I caught the Beiber Fever!
3. Early morning soccer games. Jason and Max got home and rode the motorcycle over together.
4. Planting flowers and working in the yard all Saturday. Jason has it looking nice.
5. Jason insists that I am with him where ever he is. While he is working on the sprinklers in the yard, he makes me bring out a blanket and lay by him while he works. The sun felt so good!
6. He insisted that I go on the motorcycle behind him to sprinkler world to get a part. When they were out of what he needed, he headed to Springville to their other store. By back and butt couldn't handle going that far so I jumped off and started walking home. I hit a few stores and tried on some clothes and enjoyed myself for a bit all alone. When he came back I was only a few stores from where he dropped me off.
7. The India Palace for dinner with just Jason. I am so glad that we both LOVE that place so much!!
8. Jayne woke up with her usual Saturday Night fever. Does her body just try to get out of church? I wasn't planning on taking her and then Jason came home at 10:40 to pick us up and saw me in my pj's. Somehow he talked me into throwing on a skirt and going anyway. Then of course Jason ended up taking her home towards the end of Priesthood.
9. The yummiest bbq rib dinner out in our yard!
10. Jason and I visiting Linda C and her dog Lewy.
11. Making Brigham Young's buttermilk donuts for Max's Utah report.
12. The Heims for always being the best neighbors. We used their computer until 10:30 finishing up his report.
13. Going to watch Max give his Brigham Young report. He stood up their tall and confident and did a great job.
14. Lucy got strep and was sicker than I have ever seen her. Thank heavens for Dr. Kendall and antibiotics. She called in a prescription for Emilee and Jayne too.
15. Jason made it to Abbie's track meet while I was at the doctors.
16. Abbie's softball season has begun. She looks so cute out there in the field. Everything comes easy to that girl.
17. Emilee tried out for the AAA girls soccer league. She didn't' think it was going to be as hard as it was. Emilee made Jason go talk to the coach.
18. Abbie singing twinkle twinkle little star with her mouth closed at her class talent show. I love her!
19. Max playing on the Running Utes team at the factory. He completely blows me away every time I watch him play. That kid is amazing at basketball!!!
20. Me and Abbie making homemade oreo's to take to her readathon day. She was so excited.
21. Having Lucy home from school for a couple of days so we went for a walk, fed the horses, and played at the park forever. We played, Mother May I, Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, What Time is it, and then had races. Seriously she beat me every time.
22. Abbie telling me, "Don't worry about coming to my game, go to Max's it is more important." And I couldn't tell she was being sincere. Of course I went to half of hers and the other half of Max's.
23. Jayne singing "Baby, Baby, Baby, Oh!!!" during the Home teachers and she wouldn't stop.
24. Helping Emilee study for her Spanish final. And it is a GOOD thing I did.
25. Abbie's BIG sunglasses she word to meet her pen pal at the park. She couldn't stop telling me how cute she was.
26. Max playing against a full girls team at the factory, and they just about lost. Max was NOT having it and took matters into his own hands. I think he had over 20 points and made a million free throws in a row to win. After he told me that number 12 was cute.


May 17

1. Watching Jayne play at the tree house at the mall.
2. Going with Emilee to Sean Moon's communication class. Learning that I am a terrible listener with my kids and give way to much advice. I really admire Sean in so many ways.
3. Taking Bread over to Tammy. I don't' know how one family can have it so rough.
4. Emilee got up this morning at 4 AM and went to the temple to do baptisms. I am so proud of her!
5. Talking to my mom tonight. Wish we lived closer so we could all help them with their fields. They had their first baby horse.
6. Having more energy to get stuff done.
7. BBQ Salmon for dinner
8. Sneaking in a reading Emilee's poem about the tulip festival on the computer. WOW! Who knew she could write like that?
9. Lucy breaking it to me that she spilled her malt on the french's carpet. AHHH! Doesn't surprise me a bit.

May 16

1. Spending the morning cleaning out Lucy's closet & room. Boy was it a wipeout! And the afternoon getting my laundry room spotless.
2. Having an unbrella in my car when the rain came tonight at Max's double header.
3. Em keeping the girls home because it was freezing and we didn't get home until 11:00. They were all sound asleep and warm.
4. Lucy's cup of rollie pollies (potato bugs) and grass that she brought home tonight.
5. Jayne singing I love to see the temple.


May 15

1. All 3 of my girls singing a Joseph Smith medley in Sacrament meeting. They were the cutest! Lucy had Biggest toothless smile the whole time and it was difficult for her to refrain from giggling. She had me nervous that she was going to lose it a time or two. Everyone told afterward what a cute smile she had.
2. Our Meetings today about Joseph Smith and the Restoration. I feel SO lucky to have the knowledge of the gospel!!!
3. Cookie dough cupcakes.
4. Going to the couples fireside tonight. I love President Rogers and how down to earth and normal he is.
5. Being committed to praying together as a couple every night.

May 14

1. Jason taught Max how to mow our lawn today. He loved it and told me that any time I need it mowed to please ask him.
2. Double soccer games for Abs and Lucy. One in the sun, and the other in the freezing rain. The weather was wild today.
3. Riding with Jason down to Payson to meet one of his workers.
4. A day of working out in the yard. Everything is so green finally and looks so pretty.
5. My girls are so good to play with Jayne.


May 13

1. Finally the Conference Issue of the Ensign came. I have been waiting.
2. French toast with fresh strawberries, raspberries, & blueberries for breakfast.
3. Lucy got to ride the bus to BYU to see the Suesical today. Abbie telling her to make sure to NOT sit by the window because it hurts your head as you bounce around in the bus.
4. Helping in Abbie's class party today. Abbie was so cute to Jayne and loved having her there. I have been lucky enough to have Miss Mather for all 3 of my kids so far.
5. Taking Emilee and her friends to Walkers for icees after school.
6. Jason took Jayne and Max on his motorcycle to baseball practice. After I got everyone settled I went down. It was HOT! It felt good and I loved sitting by Jayne in the grass.
7. Dinner and a movie with the Yarro's to celebrate the double birthday. We were a little late, but better late than never. Mi Ranchito and then we hustled over to see Hanna. It was the strangest movie.
8. Max got a trophy at school for being the top 3 students to score the highest on his testing. Then I watched him play basketball outside for Fun Friday and couldn't believe him. He is constantly amazing me.

May 12

1. Making homemade strawberry jam and filling my freezers. Nothing better than a pb&j with fresh homemade jam.
2. Colett for sharing her karo syrup.
3. Beautiful weather for baseball games. Jayne played in the drinking founting and dirt and was covered head to toe. But she was happy.
4. Lunch for Coletts birthday at Mollys. I love to catch up on everyones life. Talking to Colett about getting old, maybe that is all it is.. old age? Jayne was a bit difficult but Ryder shared his trucks.
5. Going to the Addiction workshop put on by LDS Family Services. Time on my own to think and leaving Jason home to finish bbqing dinner and handle the kids for the night. When I got home an hour and a half later, the kitchen was clean, he had gone to home depot, bought some bushes and planted them, worked in the yard, and gave the neighbor boys buzzes out in the garage that wanted them.
6. I am thankful that I don't have to deal with those hard addictions in my family right now, and HOPEFULLY ever!
7. I love warm nights when all the kids are out playing.
8. Watching Emilee, Maddy & Sabe make their Spanish music video of La Bamba. Jr. was the camera man.
9. Fresh Strawberry Shakes.
10. My mom came by this morning even when Abbie didn't have spelling words. They look forward to a early morning visit from Grandma.

May 11

1. Jayne giving me a million kisses and laying nose to nose to me when we go to sleep. She says I love you and good night over and over.
2. Lucy loves to get her hair straightened and feels so pretty when she does.
3. Abbie had a bad day at school today. She came to the car and broke down in tears. She cried all night worrying about a picture that Miss Mather showed the class of her. I layed by her and tickled her back until she went to sleep while telling her all the embarrassing stories I have had in my life. It made her laugh.
4. I got to hold Janice's new baby Addy, when I took them dinner tonight. She was tiny!
5. Loading up on things I needed at Costco. I love the feeling of a full fridge and pantry.

May 10

1. Jason taking the girls to the park during my appointment today.
2. Dr. Wolsey for taking the time to listen to all my craziness. He has seen me at my best with my tears and all, many a times. My iud is out and my fingers are crossed.
3. Jason for hanging in there with me and for his love and support.
4. All the pictures of new babies hung on the wall at the doctors office. Am I done having babies? I am so grateful for those 5 incredible & perfect memories I have of holding my new babies at the hospital.
5. Inspiration.

May 9

1. Games rained out so I got to stay home with my girls tonight.
2. Elisa for picking Abbie for Track at Katy's because my mind is gone.
3. Having my home spotless when Jason got home tonight. Mopped, dusted, vacuumed.
4. Jason for always telling me thank you for everything I do. He is always so appreciative for a clean house, for dinner and everything I do.
5. FHE on sacrifice and tithing. Watching Jayne dance on the fireplace mantel as we sang I love to see the temple. Boy do I love her!


May 8

1. A 6:00 AM walk up call as I got served french toast in bed by Lucy and Abbie. Who knew they knew how to make french toast. I was SO tired, I tried my best to sit up and eat. After a few bites I had to save the rest for later and went back to sleep for a little bit.
2. Jason didn't have his early morning meetings.
3. Jayne loves nursery!
4. The young men who sang Army's of Helman and had me crying.
5. Mari Carmen for substituting RS for me today!
6. A yummy mothers day dinner at Millers. Paul's cheesecake recipe.
7. Going to the Clarks to see my mom. My dad seemed so a happy and he tickled my back for an hour.
8. Memories of living on Grandview hill and a drive by my old houses.
9. Being raised by the BEST Mom in the whole world! (Seriously) I think about her and the kind of mom she was to me every day as I am trying to raise my own kids. I am so lucky to have her for my example!
10. All of the notes, hugs and kisses that I got all day from my kids. My greatest blessing in my life is being a mom! I love my 5 kids so much and feel so lucky to get to raise them!

May 7

1. I got my floors mopped this morning and they badly needed it!
2. The start of city soccer. My mom brought the Clark kids and we ran back and forth between Abbie and Lucy's game. The weather was beautiful and my girls both played hard.
3. Panda Express with the Clark's after the game.
4. Jason spent the rest of the day spoiling me for Mothers Day. He took me to get a much needed pedicure. The best hour ever just sitting and relaxing.
5. Then he took me to the mall and bought me a pair of shoes.
6. Then he took me to dinner and to see Thor... A perfect meal and a perfect nap during the show. It was a perfect way to celebrate Mothers Day.


May 6

1. Lucy got to go to school this morning with Abbie and Max because she went on a field trip to ride the train.
2. A Friday Night full of kids. Emilee had 20 friends here, Abbie, Lucy, & Max all had late nights here with their friends.
3. Perfect weather to all play outside.
4. Jayne cries when I tell her the story of Cinderella. She sticks out her bottom lip and gets so sad when I get to the part of the mean step mother and step sisters. I love her tender heart.
5. Lucy's cute picture and hand prints she brought home for Mothers Day.
6. Lucy lost her 2nd baby tooth.

May 5

1. Taking Lucy, Jayne, and Max to the park at lunch. I checked Max out for lunch because he has so much going that we can't find the time to get his homework done. So we worked on it while we ate lunch and got a lot accomplished.
2. Jayne's voice in the middle of the night, EVERY NIGHT, saying "Hold you"
3. Max's great hit tonight in his baseball game.
4. Max started another basketball league tonight at open court. He is on the Running Utes team and said that he doesn't think he can play as well in his Red Utah jersey.
5. The weather is beautiful!! I actually felt hot tonight at Max's game.


May 4

1. Jason!!!!! I love May 4th because we get to show Jason all day how much we love him.
This morning we had the house all decorated and made cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
2. I got some new clothes for Jason's birthday. All he wanted for his birthday was for me to get something new, and I knew he was Serious. So I took him up on it and got me a few new things and wrapped it up for him.
3. I went with Emilee on a field trip to the tulip festival at Thanksgiving Pointe. It was fun! Jayne was happy to be out, the flowers were beautiful, and best of all I got to see Emilee in her junior high element. She is a cute girl and I love her.
4. All 3 of Emilee's teachers told me how much they LOVE her. They all said the nicest things about her and what a cute girl and great student she was. Mrs. Jones said that out of all of her students Em was her very favorite. It made me proud. Every mom needs to hear that every so often.
5. Max's first Dodger game tonight. He pitched the first inning and really hasn't ever practiced. I thought he did great.
6. Going to Brick Oven for Jay's birthday and the craziness with our server. We asked for Red Cream soda for the kids and he brought us Whip Cream in their cups instead. It was crazy stuff the whole time.
7. Colett. I love having her as a neighbor and friend. She is so good to my little girls and I love anytime we are together.
8. Jason is the best husband anyone could possibly ever want. He is truly my best friend and is always so good to me. My life is perfect because of him!!
9. Jayne singing "Happy Birthday" to Jason all day long. She has the cutest little voice.
10. Abbie bought Jason a Yao Ming poster at the school Book Fair for Jason's birthday. She was so proud to give it to him. I LOVE that girl!! Of all posters to give him, she said she thought he met him once so she thought it was his favorite. He loved it.
11. Mother's Day has begun. Abbie made me the yummiest and cutest cake bites today at activity days. I loved it.

May 3

1. Jason pulled out Lucy's first tooth and I cried. I hate when they start losing their baby teeth. It changes them. She was so excited to show everyone and made Meagan promise not to tell anyone because she wanted to surprise them. The minute we would pull up to pick up her friends for school, Megan would roll down the window and yell out to them "Lucy lost her first tooth."
2. Abbie running up stairs and putting her 10 dollars under Lucy's pillow and telling her that the tooth fairy had come 5 minutes after she had lost her tooth.
3. Emilee watching Jayne for a few minutes while I ran to the mall to get something for Jay for his birthday.
4. Abbie wore her track outfit to school today because today was her first meet and she was so excited! I told her not to because she would get it all dirty but she couldn't resist. I was gone when she got home from school and of course her white track shirt was dirty so hurry and threw it in the washer in hopes that she could get it clean before I got home. I got home just minutes before we needed to leave to her meet and her shirt was SOAKING wet and all sudsy. I was dying. We had to ring it out the best we could and take off to the meet. We drove all the way there with the shirt hanging out the window to try and dry it. I swear we run a circus around our house.
5. It was so fun to watch Abbie run at her meet. She did great and had SO much fun. She took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in her 3 different events. I also got to watch Jenny and Tyler run and sit by Nicole. It was another fun, cold, and long day.
6. I made Jason a birthday dinner knowing that tomorrow will be crazy. We had carne asada tacos, homemade salsa, and tres leche. We had to eat fast because I had a RS presidency meeting.
7. I got home tonight at 11:30 and Jason had to clean up his own dinner and get the kids to sleep. Thank heavens for him!

May 2

1. Getting my car registered and shopping with Jayne.
2. Shauna takes Lucy to Zumba. She loves it.
3. Max's first double header superleauge game. He played better than I've seen him.
4. Blankets, granola bars, fries, and treats to help us through the freezing four hours of games.
5. Having my whole family there even if it was against Emilee's wishes. She told me that she will never have FHE when she is a mom.

May 1

1. I LOVE the month of may! This is probably our busiest month of the year.
2. Max telling us that he and McEwan were "trespassing" while playing basketball. He used his quote fingers while telling us.
3. The kids flying a kite in front of the condo.
4. The beautiful ride along the river home.
5. Jason's truck ending up working just fine after a little scare off to the side of the road.
6. Osama Ben Laden was captured and killed by the US soldiers!
7. Jason knowing I need his help and just doing what ever he sees he can help with.

April 30

1. Going to the car show, watching the kids play at the park, and hamburgers for lunch.
2. Heading to Tusher Tunnel. And after getting a little lost we ended up having the funnest ride. A new trail back to the cars.
3. Jason and Taylor wanting to go of wipeout and Taylor saying we can just nudge it.
4. Lucy in her Easter sandals the whole weekend in moab. All the hiking and dirt, she was sporting her new Sunday shoes.
5. Freezing our butts off and bundling up the best we could.
6. Dinner at Pasta Jay's out on the patio and watching all the cars light em up.
7. Another round of ice cream cones and the kids all sleeping out in the family room on the couch cushions .`
8. A hot shower.

April 29th

1. The kids going over to Grandma's condo for waffles first thing in the morning.
2. Teresa sharing all of her food to make lunches for the trail.
3. Going on a the new sand dune Rhino ride. Thank heavens we had jackets and blankets.
4. Going to dinner at the Mexican ressturant and then over for ice cream cones.
5. Erin's movie selection to keep the kids entertained at night.

April 28

1. Working in full speed mode to get us all packed up for Moab.
2. Another fun afternoon at Alpine Days cheering for Em. The sun was shining and all of my kids came after school to watch. Em did great!! She took 9th out of 30 girls on her 800 and placed in her 4x400. It has been such a fun season.
3. Jason is such a hard worker. He has so much pressure at work right now that he can barely keep his head above water. Today I watched him take phone call after phone all with problems as he would show up seconds before em's run, watch it and run back to the office. I'm so grateful that he works so hard so I can stay home!!!
4. Driving to Moab late at night as the kids slept.
5. A weekend a head with my family.