
March 31

1. Emilee!
2. Her help everyday... in everything I do.
3. She is so responsible and is a good example to her brother and sisters.
4. She tries her best at everything she does.
5. She can read me and can make me feel better when I need a friend.

March 30

1. Heather helping me get curlers for Em.
2. Lucy's obsession with her Da!
3. Max all dressed up inside and backward for the Blue and Gold.
4. Taking Em to get some Van's.
5. The Mother instinct that always tells you when your kids aren't telling the truth.


March 29

1. Crazy Hair Day.
2. Connie Dye's homemade bread, jam, cookies, & Brownies.
3. Emilee going B-day shopping with her Grandma Miller.
4. Emilee's Activity day leaders. Thank You Lisa and Diana!
5. A fun night out with my High School Friends. 5 Hours at Chili's laughing, talking, and holding cute babies.


March 28

1. New Easter Outfit's from Grandma M. Oh did my kids need them! Thank You!!
2. An Awesome Testimony Meeting.
3. The Youth Program. I feel so grateful for all the work our Church, Stake, & Ward put into our Youth. Emilee will be so lucky.
4. Listening to Abbie's talk.
5. Donut's from the Lindseys.
6. The Sunshine!!!
7. Fresh Strawberry & Raspberry Shortcake.
8. Going home teaching with Jay.
9. My good kids and their support in our busy callings.
10. A letter from Emilee after we had a knock down drag out.

March 27

1. A fun filled day with my mom and girls. We left early this morning to head up to Bountiful for another dance competition.
2. Lunch at Cafe Rio and shopping at the Gateway.
3. Max's great first game up at the U. He came home unharmed!
4. Making it to the Young Women's Conference (barely) after being completely stuck in traffic, locking our keys in the car and running full blast with a weak bladder. And best of all being there with my Emilee and Mom. Emilee is getting so old and is my best little friend. "Mom, did you get your warm up's?"
5. Elder Uchdorof's amazing talk and the spirit being so strong.
6. The incredible Conference Center!!! I have never been inside and WOW was it amazing.
7. Being in the presence of the Prophet!!!!
8. Jason driving back to unlock our car doors.
9. Jason for holding down the fort and taking care of the kids all day and night!
10. Finishing the night off eating dinner at the Pizza Factory for Em's birthday.
11. That I get to the mother of 4 girls.
12. I found Abbie after a panic search up at the U. Of course she was just playing unaware of my frenzy.
13. Craig and Teresa buying us chairs to sit in and snacks for Jayne.
14. Mom's yummy granola.
15. Lucy finally falling asleep in the stroller during Max's game.

March 26

1. My little girl is feeling better and went to school.
2. An unexpected call to meet Jason for lunch.
3. Weddings. We went to the Condor's reception and it was beautiful.
4. Watching little birds with Lucy build a nest out in our trees.
5. Jayne's constant wave to everyone and everything.


March 25

1. Annie. Her grown-up mature personality and what a great big sister she is.
2. Doctors and antibiotics. Found out Lucy has strep.
3. The Priesthood. Jason gave Lucy a blessing this morning. I can't remember the last time she has been this sick.
4. Added patience today. I needed it after being low on sleep all week and the crazieness that comes with life.
5. Jason came home to be with the little girls for a bit so I could go to the Maturation thing with Em at school.

March 24

1. Our Church's welfare program and the church's storehouse.
2. Jason served a mission.
3. The youth missionary dinner tonight. Having them teach our family the 1st discussion. The spirit that was there and the great example the girls were to my family. That Tiffanie is an amazing 16 year old and completely amazed me!
4. Wendy sharing some of her German Dinner with us.
5. THe YM/YW leaders in our ward and the amazing job they do.

March 23

1. Clean blinds. (some)
2. Watching Idol with my girls.
3. Holding Lucy today and spending some quality one on one time with her while she is sick.
4. My warm down comforter.
5. Buds on the trees and bushes outside.


March 22

1. Blogs. So I can keep up with my sisters and their kids clear across the country.
2. That I still have my Lucy home with me everyday for lunch.
3. Orem City Men's Basketball Champs!
4. A house FULL of girls each day after school. When you have 4 girls x lots of neighbor friends you have a party everyday. Emilee always tries to round them all up to teach them a dance.
5. Yummy smelling lotion.


March 21

1. A healthy husband!!!
2. No one in our family has cancer. (Knock on wood.) I hate cancer! I feel like it is taking over the world.
3. Going to visit the Cooks.
4. The Sunshine! Sitting out on our swing today after church and talking to the Yarro's while the kids ran around like it was summer.
5. Lucy's 25 outfits she put on. My favorite: her cutoff pokadot jammies, a pink sparkly belt, and white furry winter boots.
6. A surprise knock at the door with yummy pink cupcakes from the Yarro's.
7. Our Ma and Pa Trek Meeting. I feel so LUCKY that we get to go! I better get preparing right now.
8. My 11:00 PM phone call from Nidel.
9. I get to sleep next to Jason every night.
10. Jason!

March 20

1. Jason waking up early with a smile to go spend his entire Saturday working over at the Moore's to help them build a deck.
2. Max calling Lance to tell him that we are in a recession and can't bring a present to Zane's party.
3. A close by Walmart. I rushed in there 3 different times today to get something I needed and then realized something else just hours later.
4. Steak Sandwiches and watching the Cougars play round 2 of the tournament.
5. Watching Abbie get slivers out of Isabell's bum outside with a pair of tweezers. Way to take care of the problem yourselves girls!


March 19

1. Emilee went over to Aubrey's for a party with all the girls.
2. That I didn't have to go out in the freezing cold wind today.
3. Taking the girls with us to check on a job in Payson and to get shakes.
4. Jay Leno is back.
5. Lucy's kisses.


March 18

1. Watching the BYU victory in game one of the tournament. I checked out Max from school and he, Jason, and I had a fun little date down stairs eating lunch and cheering our hearts out.
2. Jason came home early to help me vacuum, fix our blinds, and take care of the kids while I finished getting ready for Chelsea's shower.
3. Everyone that called and helped with shower.
4. Great neighbors and a fun night eating and chatting with friends.
5. My Abbie! She came home so broken hearted today from school because of an incident in P.E. playing basketball. I'm glad she comes home and talks to me.
And even though she was so sad when she got in the car the first words out of her mouth was "Mom how is your head? Does it still hurt?" This morning I bent down to pick something up and when I stood up I about knocked myself out cold by hitting my head on my granite countertop. I had completley forgotten about it but of course my sweet Abbie didn't.

March 17

1. Green shamrock pancakes for breakfast.
2. Watching the excitement of my kids getting dressed head to toe in all green. And Abbie thinking she was the most beautiful girl ever in her green skirt.
3. Making green sugar cookies with Lucy and her friends.
4. The Carters coming to the Basketball game tonight.
5. Shauna & Chandler sharing their green Asphalt pie for dessert.


March 16

1. Relief Society Birthday Fiesta is done.
2. Wendy Heim! for offering to take my kids this morning while I set up at the church, showing up at the door with limes right when I needed them for the rice, for cutting up lettuce, for teaching us how to Salsa dance, and for just being Wendy!
3. I didn't get bit by Auda.
4. Colett for picking up my carpool from school and taking my girls to dance!
5. Scott Esplin being there for all of my little errands.
6. Jason putting Jayne on his shoulders for football practice.
7. One less thing on my mind.
8. Talking to Erin.
9. My kids kept telling me that how beautiful I looked. Lucy asking me if I was going to Gainell's wedding or thing for her baby.
10. The situation with the stage.

March 15

1. Early out day.
2. Jayne's naps.
3. Watching my cute husband play basketball and a win.
4. A successful FHE.
5. Visiting teaching done for the month.
6. Talking to Kelly.

March 14

1. More daylight.
2. No meetings.
3. Going up to Wallsburg and dad's yummy mashed potatoes.
4. Trying a new Tres Leche's recipe.
5. Reading in 3 Nephi about the Savior visiting the Americas!

March 13

1. Jason getting us all up early and in the car to go up to Salt Lake for Max's weigh in.
2. Taking the kids to Trolley Square and letting them run loose. Dreaming at Pottery Barn.
3. Hires Big H Hamburgers and rootbeer floats.
4. A nap next to Jason.
5. Carrabas with friends.

March 12

1. A stop by visit from my mom.
2. My yummy homemade braided calazone.
3. A full house of kids.
4. Soy milk for Jayne.
5. Going to the grocery store alone.
6. Wataching the BYU game with yummy Carmelittos.


March 11

1. Having a Dr's appointment already scheduled for Emilee, Lucy, Jayne for immunizations before Jayne even woke up sick. So when the good Dr. was giving Emilee her 7th grade physical, I had her peek in Jayne's ears and sure enough a stinkin' ear ache.
2. Sample drops for her ears.
3. Dr. Kendall talking to Emilee about all the things I try to tell her but she was actually listening this time because it wasn't coming from her mom. Thanks Melissa!
4. Going in with Emilee for her urine sample because she was scared to death.
5. Emilee's perfect eye sight.


March 10

1. Max setting his alarm an hour early so he can get to school early to finish his letter. He was so worried he was going to be sent to ZAP. When I called Miss Mather to see if he could come early she just laughed and said he has all week to work on that.
2. Listening to Jayne make her cute sounds and get so excited as she looks at her animal book.
3. Jayne is kinda sleeping through the night. But don't worry someone in this house hold wakes me up at least once each night. Lucy still works her way in our bed several times a week.
4. A call from Lewis.
5. Our last month of dance tuition.


March 9

1. That Jason took Abbie to the dentist for some serious dental work so I could stay home with Jayne and Lucy. Then having Abbie home with me for a few hours for recovery. I loved listening to that girl tell me about everything and then serving her lunch on her little table.
2. Our health savings account!!!
3. Last night Jason dreamed that I died and has been calling me all day to tell me that he love me.
4. Max! He comes home every day after school and plays with Jayne. He tells me all the details about his day and how he dumped Brooklyn for Zane. He is worried sick about going to Zap tomorrow and tells me all about his 5 favorite football teams. I hope he will always stay close to me.
5. JASON! He tries so hard everyday to get us out of his situation that we are in.

March 8

1. Getting Emilee registered for 7th grade after 2 attempts down to the school completely confused.
2. Family Skate night at Classic Skating.
3. Pushing Jayne around and around in her stroller while she bobbed her head to the music and loved every second.
4. Abbie telling me to "HURRY!" and get her skates on so she doesn't miss the boy choice snowball. She was sure someone was going to ask her.
5. Jason showing up after his game and walking with Abbie and helping her.
6. Keeping my eyes on Emilee and watching her interact and snowball with boys.
7. That she told the stranger boy no when he tried to hold her hand.
8. Max getting asked by the girls to skate and didn't want to have anything to do with it.
9. Lucy playing bulldog and rounding the kids as fast as she could.
10. Being a mom!


March 7

1. Coming home to early morning meetings to the kids mostly ready for church.
2. Tanya as our new counselor.
3. Helping Em pick her classes for next year.
4. Tucking my kids in bed each night.
5. Jason taking Jayne during church.

March 6

1. Jason rounding me up some more drops, taking the kids to get b-day presents, to their party's and to lunch.
2. Helping in the kitchen this morning for Ashley's wedding and the comical conversation.
3. Finding Lucy at Walmart after a panic stricken search. She was out in the parking lot going up and down the isles looking for our car. What would I do without her?!
4. Caring people who stopped what they are doing to help me find her.
5. Lucy! Her cute curly hair, her happy full of life personality, and her sweet hugs and kisses!
6. Going on a date with Yarro's to CPK. A yummy grilled vegetable salad, the reception, and watching the craziest movie ever. ?

March 5

1. No school!
2. Abbie and Lucy's adorable snowman they made all by themselves. We woke up to a ton of snow - ahh!
3. Going to dinner with Jason and Jayne.
4. Jason didn't go on the teacher overnighter.
5. Talking to Jennifer on the phone.

March 4

1. Sophie. I love her happy carefree personality and the cute way she talks.
2. I have never broken a bone.
3. New battery's for Jayne's horsie. She keeps walking over and giving it a hug because she is so happy it works again.
4. Oranges
5. Getting to make dinner each night for my family.

March 3

1. Going with Emilee to Oak Canyon for an orientation. I absolutely can't believe that she is will be old enough to go to Jr. High. I had the sickest heart the whole time I was there and walked out into my car and lost it!!!! I love her and have to hold on to every second I have with her.
2. Going to Lucy's preschool and reading to her class for Dr. Seuss's week. What an adorable little girl she is. She just kept hugging me and was so glad I was there.
3. Strong teeth. I have never had many cavities.
4. I can fall asleep pretty easy and once I get up with Jayne in the middle of the night I can usually go right back to sleep with no problem.
5. I can always answer "no" to all preexisting conditions when filling out medical history.


March 2

1. Taking Jayne and Lucy on a walk to see the horsies and to chase a cat.
2. Ice Cream sandwiches out on a blanket. (We are loving this little change of weather)
3. Jason is such a hard worker.
4. Willie Nelsen
5. The scale going down.


March 1

1. It is finally March!!!
2. The Sunshine.
3. Listening to Jaynie giggle and squeal while I pushed her on the swing outside.
4. Watching her rediscover grass and kept begging to go down the slide again and again. It felt so good to get outside but then of course now that she knows what is out there she doesn't want to go back in. That will be a problem this summer.
5. Having a heart to heart with Jason and knowing that he cares.


February 28

1. My Mom and Dad. They have been married 38 years today.
2. More will power. Boy do I want some chocolate cake.
3. The Passmores inviting us over for treats tonight.
4. Roast Beef instead of Chicken.
5. Sacrament Meeting. Paul and Brook Adams spoke and did such a great job - of course.

February 27

1. Going with my girls up to Ogden all day for their Odyssey Dance Competition. It was so fun to be just the 3 of us all day!
2. Jason stayed home with Jayne, Lucy, & Max so we could enjoy ourselves.
3. Watching Abbie's face when she got her trophy.
4. That we don't live in Ogden. I love little Lindon!
5. Coming home and going to Brick Oven for Dinner to celebrate! Way to go Girls!
6. When I got back Jason had chicken and asparagus all cooked for me. I love him.
7. Not really running out of gas. We pushed it all the way home on low gas hoping to make it and just as we got off the freeway in Lindon (just a block from the gas station) the car died. I pulled off to the side of the road in disbelief and called Jason. He was in the middle of cooking me dinner so I just kept trying to start it and miraculously it did. We hurried to the nearest gas station and fueled up while Emilee lost a tooth. She waits until her teeth just fall out because she doesn't want them pulled. You would have thought that she had lost an arm with all the dramatics.

February 26

1. Found an antibiotic in my cupboard after calling Dr. Clark and he was out of town. Miracle!
2. Spending a Friday Night with the whole family. We made our kids hang with us tonight and it was fun.
3. Going to the mall with the girls to get a present for Ashley and seeing some cute things in Tai Pan.
4. A small little nap.
5. Melba toast.