
May 3

1. Jason pulled out Lucy's first tooth and I cried. I hate when they start losing their baby teeth. It changes them. She was so excited to show everyone and made Meagan promise not to tell anyone because she wanted to surprise them. The minute we would pull up to pick up her friends for school, Megan would roll down the window and yell out to them "Lucy lost her first tooth."
2. Abbie running up stairs and putting her 10 dollars under Lucy's pillow and telling her that the tooth fairy had come 5 minutes after she had lost her tooth.
3. Emilee watching Jayne for a few minutes while I ran to the mall to get something for Jay for his birthday.
4. Abbie wore her track outfit to school today because today was her first meet and she was so excited! I told her not to because she would get it all dirty but she couldn't resist. I was gone when she got home from school and of course her white track shirt was dirty so hurry and threw it in the washer in hopes that she could get it clean before I got home. I got home just minutes before we needed to leave to her meet and her shirt was SOAKING wet and all sudsy. I was dying. We had to ring it out the best we could and take off to the meet. We drove all the way there with the shirt hanging out the window to try and dry it. I swear we run a circus around our house.
5. It was so fun to watch Abbie run at her meet. She did great and had SO much fun. She took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in her 3 different events. I also got to watch Jenny and Tyler run and sit by Nicole. It was another fun, cold, and long day.
6. I made Jason a birthday dinner knowing that tomorrow will be crazy. We had carne asada tacos, homemade salsa, and tres leche. We had to eat fast because I had a RS presidency meeting.
7. I got home tonight at 11:30 and Jason had to clean up his own dinner and get the kids to sleep. Thank heavens for him!

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