
December 28

1. A date night to see Sherlock Holmes.
2. Lucy's pajama party with her friends today.
3. Little Caesar's 5 dollar pizza.
4. Jayne holding on tight as tight as she can to me when someone tries to take her.
5. Always coming home from a date to a hot pan of brownies made by Em.

December 27

1. Heaters. How did the pioneers do it?
2. A night at home.
3. LDS.org
4. My smart husband that is always trying to figure out how to make things better for us.
5. Tissues for Jaynies non stop runny nose.

December 26

1. Lunch with just Jason at 5 Guys.
2. Going to the Taylor's cabin with the kids.
3. Ray's delicious stir fry.
4. A soft bed for once.
5. All the snow this time of year.


December 25

1. We didn't get up until 7:00 a.m. I heard Em and Max down stairs watching TV about 6:00 AM which had me up but the others didn't get up until 7.
2. Being able to give my kids a good Christmas and seeing their happy faces as they opened their gifts.
3. Jason leading the family down the stairs.
4. Knowing that Jason went out of his way and shopped for me and picked me out some really cute things even though we had a truce.
5. Christmas breakfast at Craig and Teresa's.
6. Traditions.
7. All the nice gifts they give our family! They make Christmas fun!
8. Yummy Christmas dinner at Wallsberg.
9. Great parents who have taught me what Christmas is really about. Their good hearts and great examples.
10. Living close to family for the holidays.

December 24

1. Our breakfast tradition on Christmas Eve with my Grandma Bowden. My kids look forward to it.
2. Christmas Eve dinner at Millers yummy food, games, Christmas jammies, and my cute new necklace.
3. Seeing the kids so excited and tracking Santa on the computer.
4. Our own little Christmas Eve gathering as a family around the fire tonight. Talking about the real meaning of Christmas, the Savior and helping others. We are so lucky to have Jason at the head of our house. He talked to them about Christmas's when he was a boy and then taught them about all the things that are important. He bore his testimony to them and I know they were all really listening for a change. I felt the spirit so strong and felt an over whelming feeling of love and gratitude for my good family and life! Then we all shared our favorite Christmas memory. Max's favorite Christmas memory was helping a family in Springville for a Sub for Santa and he just cried. He is the most tender hearted kid I have ever known and gave the most incredibly sincere prayer tonight. I am telling you that he is one special boy!!!!
5. Checking outside one last time to see if we could see anything in the sky and sure enough Abbie spotted Santa. We hurried and set out cookies and egg nog and got into bed as fast as we could. I LOVE having little kids that make Christmas so fun and magical!
6. Spending my 19th Christmas Eve with the person I love more than anything! Watching him be in a panic after the kids all finally go to sleep and saying shhhhhhh about every 10 seconds.

December 23

1. Going to visit both of my Grandma's with the kids for Christmas.
2. It is officially Christmas Break.
3. Having Jason to help finish up the last of the Christmas shopping. He always knows exactly what to get.
4. All the yummy Christmas goodies by the dozens.
5. Abbie's new short haircut.


December 22

1. "Merry Christmas Lindon Elementary" and watching my kids sing their hearts out today.
2. Having the Yarro's over for a big win in the Las Vegas Bowl.
3. Having Em and Ash help me make chocolate oreo balls and egg nog cake.
4. Millie and Lucy making the Byy meaning BYU signs and taping them all around the house.
5. More snow. I hope it stays around for a white Christmas!


December 21

1. Lucy's cute Christmas program at preschool today.
2. I tried a new made up panini tonight and it was a hit with the kids. Cabinara!
3. I finally got my Christmas cards.
4. Emilee. Boy do I feel lucky to have her for a daughter and a friend!!! I am so grateful that she comes home from school and tells me about the things she hears at school.
5. Talking to both my sisters today!

December 20

1. The beautiful Christmas program and music for Sacrament.
2. I got Relief Society teachers.
3. Emilee helps us with the kids on Sunday while Jason and I are meetings ALL day.
4. Driving around with the kids hanging outside the car while delivering neighbor gifts. Them singing to the Anderson's.
5. Max fasting for the poor people to have a good Christmas.
6. Coming down stairs to find all of the kids cuddled up on Jason's lap watching the Polar Express.

December 19

1. Jason fixing our bathroom sink and watching him squirm with mess and smell.
2. Walking down state street with Jay to get a diet coke for him and a walk through Down East Home for me.
3. A clean car!
4. The Miller/Bonnett Christmas party and watching all of my kids pick out what just what they wanted to give to their cousins.
5. Abbie wanting to give her Barbie to the poor for Christimas. So we drove to Albertsons and let her donate it to "Toys for Tots"

December 18

1. My parents took our kids for a Christmas sleepover.
2. A date to Roosters and their yummy shrimp dumplings.
3. Walking the mall with Jason and Jayne and watching all the hustle and bustle and feeling the Christmas spirit in the air.
4. Watching Four Christmas's with Jason down in the basement.
5. Feeling like I have the 5 BEST kids in the whole world!

December 17

1. Getting my neighbor gifts bought.
2. Clean sheets.
3. Curling Irons
4. Clean Clothes
5. Lockers for each of kids to hide all of their stuff.


December 16

1. Breakfast for dinner
2. Miss Mather. Max loves her and her Christmas around the world.
3. Jayne keeps trying to walk and is taking several steps.
4. Jayne's dance moves. Every time she hears music she starts to nod her head and move her arm back and forth. Especially to "It's a Party in the USA"
5. Abbie and Lucy are best friends.

December 15

1. Lucy took a nap.
2. Getting presents under the tree and the excitement from each child.
3. Jason hasn't been going to the Gym this week and waking up with him right next to me!
4. Jayne's toothless grin. (her 1st tooth is just breaking through and I don't want it to. That just means she is growing up)
5. Jason goes with me every night (twice) to pick up the girls from dance.


December 14

1. Watching Jason dunk the basketball tonight.
2. Getting to go to both of my boys games in one night.
3. Dunford donuts
4. The dollar store.
5. Jayne's eyes lighting up when she sees her Daddy.

December 13

1. My Tahoe. All kaos broke out after church with everyone sliding Everywhere on the way home. Poor Wendy took out a power box.
2. Carols to our Kings. (Except for the incident with Max when we got home.)
3. Soren and Nina Anderson.
4. A fire in our fireplace.
5. Binkis

December 12

1. Christmas Breakfast at the Brodericks. Grateful for Jason's calling in the Bishopric and the great people he works with.
2. Snow this time of year. It makes everything more festive and magical.
3. Our ward Christmas party is over.
4. That I still have children who get excited to see Santa. I loved watching Lucy sit on his lap at the ward party.
5. Jason as my partner in everything I do.... Ward Party, Christmas shopping, house cleaning, & raising our kids!


December 11

1. The weekend with everybody home together!
2. DATE NIGHT! I have the cutest date in the world and tonight we went and saw the Blindside. I loved it! I loved holding my date's hand in the movie. I love Jason!
3. The good example my Mom was to me in opening our home to Jim, Verdean, Heath, & James.
4. Shopping with Jayne.
5. Emilee has Ashley as her BBF.


December 10

1. A sparkling clean house.
2. New family pictures.
3. Abbie rubbing my sore back.
4. Making Rice Krispy treats for my family.
5. Troy Brown and the time he puts into coaching Max.


December 9

1. Waking up next to Jason.
2. Jayne's smile in my rear view mirror as I drive.
3. Flat Irons.
4. My new stroller that my friends in the ward help me get when I had Jayne.
5. Nat King Cole's Christmas music.

December 8

1. A day to stay home and clean in this cold snowy weather.
2. Reading with Lucy this morning.
3. Matt got a job.
4. Warm boots.
5. Clementines


December 7

1. All my kids in their snow gear heading out to sled.
2. Having my whole family in the car together driving out to Open Court to support our Max.
3. Warm soup and hot rolls.
4. Max's concern about the guy who wanted to shovel our walks for money.
5. A 4 - wheel drive car.


December 6

1. The Christmas Spirit
2. Waking up to a little snow.
3. Our great Morning side and the feeling that it set for the day and hopefully throughout the holiday.
4. Going to Lily's blessing and that Jason holds the priesthood.
5. Taking pumpkin bread and cookies to Tay.
6. Jason came home tonight and continued his cleaning spree. He has all of the laundry done in the house.

December 5

1. Being done baking 60+ loaves of pumpkin bread for our Relief Society morning side.
2. Having Jason helping me around the house tonight doing laundry, washing the door on the fridge, cleaning the sink, vacuuming. Emilee said "That is a first."
3. Going to the Christmas parade with the kids and handing out candy canes.
4. Putting on make up on and doing all 3 of my girls hair before their dance recital.
5. Watching my talented girls dance their hearts out tonight and best of all that Lucy got to dance with them this year.

December 4

1. A late night date to Zupas.
2. Lucy telling me that she had to "warm up" for her dance recital.
3. Watching her move her hips at her dress rehearsal.
4. A yummy Christmas honey baked ham in the fridge.
5. Christmas music.


December 3

1. Jason helping cut out the tags for our Morning side.
2. A fire in the fireplace tonight.
3. Our house feeling like Christmas. Clean and all of the lights on and decorations up.
4. Lucy helping and putting random decorations on different doors and all over and loving every bit of it.
5. Being a mom!


December 2

1. Practicing times tables with Max tonight and him answering in his sports numbers. (Ex. 8 X 4 = Dennis Pitta (32) 4 X 2 = Darrin Williams 8) He had somebody for every single number. How does he know that kinda stuff?
2. Talking to him about his friends tonight and him telling me that "Reed is a good friend and is going to weave me a blanket." (They have been learning to weave at school for Thanksgiving.)
3. A love email from Jason. I about fell over from shock.
4. Abbie went back to school today.
5. Getting in the tub with Jayne this morning.


December 1

1. Scripture reading with my kids each morning.
2. Having Abbie home today and her help decorating the mantel for Christmas.
3. Jason came home safe from his day trip to Moab for work.
4. Eating less and my new resolve (again) to lose this weight!
5. My baby!!!!!

November 30

1. Connie Dye for my Visiting Teacher. She is such a sweet, wise, & strong lady and a dear friend. She brought me a beautiful poinsettia today.
2. Lucy singing Christmas carols all day long in her cute little voice.
3. Starfall
4. Holding Jason's hand in the car.
5. Gainell picking up the bread pans for RS for me.


November 29

1. Advil. I have gone through 2 bottles since Wednesday. My Abbie is so stinking sick now.
2. That I could stay home from church today and be with her. Lucy is finally feeling better. Who is next?
3. Staying home tonight and having a fun night with the kids playing Monopoly down stairs.
4. A dishwasher that runs all day long.
5. Lucy's artwork that she gives me 20 times a day.

November 28

1. A Cougar Victory over Utah.
2. The fun date and swanky seats with Colett and Matt with all the food you can possibly shove down.
3. Emilee tending so I could go!
4. Seeing Max in all of his cougar gear and hearing play for play how it went after the game.
5. This fun holiday time of year.

November 27

1. Getting a start on our Christmas shopping and the cute Walmart lady that hooked us up!
2. Going swimming in Kamas with the kids and my family.
3. Dinner and games up at Mom's.
4. Jamie's fun and happy personality. I'm so lucky to have her for a sister and I miss having her around.
5. Jason having a day off and being all together as a family.


November 26

1. A Happy Thanksgiving! Putting up and decorating our tree with the girls this morning. Em getting to sleep at Grandma's and help get dinner ready. Max and Jason playing in a turky bowl together. Having the Heaps here! A yummy meal with shrimp cocktail and the works. Mom's grateful flour game. Making Indian tp's out of sugar cones. Visiting the Miller's and chocolate sundae pie. A fun game of Monopoly with our kids down stairs and kicking butt.
2. Healthy kids!
3. The perfect husband for me who I am madly in love with.
4. His job.
5. I get to stay home with my kids everyday.
6. A warm house.
7. The gospel and the happiness it brings to me.
8. Wonderful extended family.
9. Living in Utah
10. Our great Country and our freedoms.

November 25

1. Jason's pheasant fry at the office today.
2. Taking the kids to Kiwanis park and watch them all play together and have fun.
3. Going to see Chetty and taking her something for her birthday.
4. Jayne's ears looked good today at the doctors.
5. Jason and Max are putting up our Christmas lights.


November 24

1. Having the Heaps home.
2. Getting to do Abbie's Thanksgiving party and even more so that is over.
3. Having a mom close by that can go to Grandparents day at the school.
4. No dance, no homework, no scouts!
5. Adult date night with my siblings and parents to Outback.

November 23

1. Watching Jason play basketball. (He still plays unbelievable.)
2. Butternut Squash soup.
3. Getting to go to the grocery store all by myself.
4. A clean car.
5. Having Lucy as my sidekick everyday! I adore her!


November 22

1. My new calling as the 1st counselor in the Relief Society.
2. My mom showing up to church today to come to RS without even telling me.
3. Jason setting me apart after church. I love him!
4. Emilee staying home from church today to take care of Lucy and Jayne who are now both sick.
5. Eye drops. Jayne has the goopiest eyes.

November 21

1. Max got to go play in the ward Turkey Bowl with his dad.
2. Making homemade cinnamon rolls with my girls this morning,
3. I was warm inside my bed watching the BYU victory over Air Force while the boys were at the game cold.
4. Some much needed new church clothes.
5. Having a night to get out of the house. Jason took me shopping tonight. It is so nice to have him there to help with Jayne and give me some advice!

November 20

1. I've managed to stay healthy with all of my kids getting sick so often. Today Abbie stayed home with an earache and Max threw up last night.
2. Playing uno with my sick kids today.
3. Brick Oven for a fun family date.
4. Mom and Dad and Matt bringing over shakes from the purple turtle for the sickies.
5. Jason came home safe from Pheasant Hunting. (grouchy but safe)


November 19

1. The cute things I got at the boutique.
2. Having the house smell yummy for dinner when everyone gets home.
3. Lucy asking me if she can dial 911 this morning to tell the police that- "that the one man died ...you know the lady that gave me the bear's husband? (Don)
4. Accomplishing a lot today.
5. Matt is doing good.

November 18

1. Lindon Elementary
2. Diflucan
3. Going to the temple with Jason
4. The beautiful picture of Christ
5. Trading days with Jeanette for the little girls.


November 17

1. Trying a new recipe even though my family didn't dig it.
2. Kade. Just wish he lived closer for my Max.
3. Jason came home early tonight to rescue my Jayne while I was at a meeting.
4. My mornings with just Lucy and helping her on her homework.
5. Our neighborhood coalition and knowing that my kids have other people that are looking out for them and helping me.


November 16

1. Dinner all together.
2. Jason's mid-day phone calls.
3. A car that is paid for.
4. Binki's
5. My good eye sight.

November 15

1. Our weekly Sunday night dance - watching Jason bust out his moves.
2. Paul Adams lessons for Sunday school.
3. My Dad telling me that he loves me and that he is proud of me via my mom on the phone.
4. Our lesson from our Home teachers about not getting angry.
5. Good kids today in sacrament meeting.
6. Jason can read me perfectly and always knows when I need a little TLC.


November 14

1. Laying next to Jason all afternoon watching football. I Luv him.
2. McEwan's baptism. I always feel the spirit so strong at a baptism.
3. Chris and Lisa bringing the yummiest desserts over to watch the Utah vs TCU game.
4. We came home to a clean house thanks to my good kids.
5. Listening to Christmas music this morning while it snowed and we made yummy pumpkin bread.

November 13

1. Date night with Jay and Jayne.
2. Feeling like I reached Emilee tonight talking with her in the living room.
3. Jason handles our finances and pays the bills.
4. Watching Home Alone with Lucy and Brooklyn.
5. Jason came home early to rake up the leaves.


November 12

1. Jayne got tubes in her ears today. That it went okay and she seems to be doing fine.
2. Jason getting Jayne a new walker/toy after her surgery.
3. A little nap today.
4. Medical advancement and technology.
5. Lucy stayed in her footie pajamas all day and loved them. She even had a nap with me.

November 11

1. Going on a walk with Jayne.
2. Two reflection winners.
3. A basketball victory for Max...finally.
4. A trip through the drive thru after the game at JCW's.
5. A dishwasher.


November 10

1. Lucy's contagious laugh.
2. A sparkling clean bathroom.
3. Jason doing the dishes while I picked up Abbie from Dance.
4. A healthy and perfect Jayne. It was her 9 months check up today and she is developing so great and I felt so lucky to have had 5 very healthy children. She is the in the 98% in height, 62% in weight.
5. Squash - one of my favorite things to eat this time of year!


November 9

1. A new vacuum!
2. A date with my hubby to the gym.
3. Quite time when I get to hold and feed Jayne.
4. Clean sheets.
5. New recipes.


November 8

1. Lance's invoice for the Jazz game.
2. Going to the Sunday School with Jason and Relief Society.
3. My testimony of Joesph Smith. I know that he was called of God to restore the fullness of the gospel and teach us the plan of salvation. I know that he saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that he translated theBook of Mormon. I also know that he was a prophet of God and I am amazed that he was able to endure so much and never waiver. I am very grateful to him for his great example, his strength, dedication, and sacrifice!!!
4. Max & Lucy's talks in primary.
5. Lisa Passmore's talk in Sacrament meeting on Joy.
6. Jayne slept all night long until 7 :00 AM!!! I kept waking up wondering if something was wrong.

November 7

1. Getting family pictures done. What a darling family I have!!!
2. Emilee being so helpful today...helping getting everyone ready for pictures and then tending Lucy and Jayne tonight.
3. Going to the Jazz game with Jason, Abbie, and Max.
4. The "Box" Seats and the royal treatment. Laughing all night long with Jason about our embarrassing situation with the food!!!
5. Getting new boots with my girls.

November 6

1. Finally getting my hair done! It was so past due.
2. My mom came over to watch a sad Jayne while I went.
3. Date night with Jason and the Trimbles. We went to the church for a marriage class by Matt Townsen. He is hilarious and Jayne was distracting. The 5 minute stair into Jason's eyes. I feel so blessed to have him! What an great man he is with so many incredible qualities!
4. Going to Don's viewing and seeing all of my aunts and uncles that I haven't seen in awhile. My Dad has a great family.
5. My mom taking our kids to tie quilts and make cards.
6. Trying Thai food for the first time.


November 5

1. I made it through another day. Life seems so busy right now I almost feel like we are spinning out of control.
2. Seeing my kids at lunch with all their friends for red ribbon week.
3. Having Jayne wanting to be real close to me every second of the day. Rocking her to sleep during Max's football party.
4. I didn't have to be in charge of Max's party this year.
5. Paul Carter for stepping in to help us last minute with our football DVD.!!
6. Yarro's for taking our girls tonight because plan A was ruined.


November 4

1. Jason trying when I need it. He brought home pizza tonight for dinner because he knew... I needed it.
2. A working cell phone again. Boy I wonder how life went on before cell phones.
3. Working tear ducts. I had a good cry today and I needed it. Somehow it can let a lot out and make me feel better. My mom told me last week that her tear ducts don't work. I've never thought of being grateful for working tear ducts but today I am.
4. Red Ribbon week and teaching my children to be drug free.
5. Watching the fish with Jayne today in the doctors office and her giggle every time they would move.


November 3

1. Juice Press with Em.
2. Laying on the couch talking to Max about missions.
3. Jason coming home from work and saying "I will stay here with the kids so you can get out for a break." and I went to the Gym. (Just wish there wasn't mirrors - AHHH!)
4. Jason giving Emilee a blessing and she is feeling better.
5. My Grandma Clark. Don died today. I hope she is okay.


November 2

1. Being able to stay home and take care of my sick kids.
2. Advil and Tylenol
3. Abbie taking care of everybody.... tickling Emilee and Lucy's back and kept saying I'm sorry your so sick Emilee.
4. Playing patty cake with Jayne.
5. The Ensign


November 1

1. Listening to Lucy and Abbie belt out "The Sun will come out tomorrow!"
2. Having Sunday dinner all together at home. Abbie and Lucy made the cutest name tags for everyones place with their names on the outside of the card and on the inside it said " Menyou Chicken and Noodles." It i s so fun to have girls.
3. Having a single date with Em to Sacrament Meeting because the others aren't feeling good. She said you can't count that a date but I thought it was fun. I even bore my testimony because I wasn't rastling kids.
4. Jason took my primary class. (And today was my last day because I got released. I have like being in primary with my kids. Now I am the Ward Activity Chair. ????
5. Abbie spent all afternoon cleaning the entire house just because. I love her!


October 31

1. Having Children to celebrate Halloween with. Em was an 80's work out girl, Max a Zombie, Abbie a Diva, Lucy a Witch, and Jayne a little piggie. I love them all!
2. Jayne got the swine flu shot. Hope she stays healthy.
3. Going through the Roberts haunted garage. FUN!
4. Having yummy pumpkin pancakes for breakfast all together as a family.
5. Yummy Halloween dinner at Grandma Millers.


October 29

1. Emilee is so responsible, studies hard, and always tries her best at everything she does.
2. Jason helping me carpool the kids tonight to and from dance.
3. My warm down comforter on my bed.
4. Having someone to sleep next to every night.
5. Going to the school to spotlight Max. Making a poster of him and seeing what a cute kid he is at school.


October 28

1. Having my family over for our annual Halloween party.
2. The Anderson family and their hard work and generosity in sharing their fun train.
3. Matt looked good.
4. The Jazz had their season opener tonight. Go Jazz!
5. King Benjamin's address in the Book of Mormon.


October 27

1. Having a boy to go to the Pine Wood Derby with. Wow Jason put some time into it. We stayed up until 2 AM last night and then worked on it again today with some finishing touches. That doesn't count all of the many hours throughout the week he and Max have spent working on it. I thought it looked awesome and Max was sure excited.
2. Our funny hard knock experiences with Network Marketing! (I love Jason!)
3. Talking with my mom in the car.
4. Her navigational system and driving straight to our destination.
5. Seeing how excited Jayne is to see me when I come home.
P.S. Today was the first snow fall. I usually get excited for the very first snow but today I was bummed. I want our warm weather back!


October 26

1. Going to Max's first basketball game. The score was 51 to 12. Our team being 12. But Max scored 2 of those 12 points. It was sure fun watching him hustle and try his best. This will be an interesting league. Very competitive with a lot of talent. Go Max!
2. The kids are all finally in bed, homework done and the house is quiet. I thought I was going to lose my mind there for a bit. That last hour before bed is always rough. Everyone starts pulling out their papers out of their backpacks, everyone needs help with their homework, everyone is hungry, Lucy needs her bum wiped, Jayne is whining and tired, the phone is ringing, drinks are spilling, girls are wanting curlers in their hair, the house is a complete wipeout for the 3rd time for the day ....sheer kaos!
3. Isabelle is feeling better and Abbie has her buddy back.
4. Another shot for my sweet Jayne. Please ears get better!
5. So far no swine flu. (knock on wood!)
6. Jason's long curly hair


October 25

1. My baby! There is nothing I love more in this world than a baby of my own to hold, kiss, and love.
2. Watching my kids in the Primary Program. They all started off the meeting together with their speaking parts and did such a great job. Lucy's cute "ETERNAL family" Watching her on the front row and Max with the bells.
3. My mom coming to watch them.
4. Emilee setting her alarm to get up early, put curlers in her own hair, got herself ready and then came up to see what she could do to help me. I love her! She made breakfast, packed the bag, got Jayne dressed.
5. The Primary Organization and the things that it teaches my children. It is nice to know that they are learning what is important from other teachers then me.

October 24

1. Motrin
2. Wendy Heim showing up out of the blue to help clean up the the spook ally.
3. Watching how much Jayne loves her dad.
4. Bundling up next to Jason at the BYU game.
5. No pets


October 23

1. Mothers Intuition. I knew Jaynie had ear aches! That poor little baby has been miserable all week because of a doctor who didn't care enough to listen to the mother. I hope her shot works quickly!
2. Lobster Fest at Fryers.
3. Holding Abbie on the couch tonight and just listening to her. She is beautiful.
4. A new shirt.
5. Mother's survival mode. Making it on ZERO sleep all week. Knowing that I have a full family counting on me and a kazillion things to do - gives me the strength to keep going.

October 22

1. Hand Sanitizer
2. The kids fun "Spooktacular" at the school. Max got to be in it. He came home yesterday after school all teary because he didn't get chosen and then late last night we got a call from Miss Mather saying that she needed a couple more kids. It was like he had just won the lottery. I found out today after school that he needed a scary outfit so ran to Walmart for a costume and made his year.
3. Jason helping me cut the kids frames for reflections just perfect.
4. Dove Chocolates. It is 3:30 a.m. and Jayne hasn't slept good for nights...ahhh! A middle of the night treat keeps me going.
5. Taking Lucy and Jayne to visit my Grandma B and her looking through her house for something she had for Lucy in an envelope. Then coming out with 2$ for her birthday. ? And her toy drawer. I love her.


October 21

1. Lunch date with my Mom.
2. Her cute Halloween book she made for Lucy.
3. Talking to Kelly twice and some good laughs.
4. Watching Jason and Max work on his pine wood derby. (Jason work - Max watch)
5. Working on reflections with Abbie.
6. The Doc telling me that Jayne doesn't have ear aches.... even though I swear she does.

October 20

1. Playing "Hot Lava" with Lucy and jumping from couch to couch with Jayne in arms hoping that we wouldn't fall into the lava (carpet).
2. Clean clothes piled high.
3. Jayne in her new little piggie jammies.
4. Seeing my Max dressed in his scout shirt.
5. Watching the World Series every night as a family.


October 19

1. A minute tonight to go shopping all by myself.
2. Reading the friend with my kids at breakfast.
3. Apples
4. A healthy family!
5. My kids are old enough to help do the dishes.


October 18

1. Apple pancakes from the Paw. (I know I am grateful for a lot of food this weekend but thats what we do on vacation...eat!)
2. Our drive up to Cedar breaks and the beautiful mountains.
3. Jayne such a trooper on the trip. Easy going and no naps. Finally just passed out on the ride home.
4. Coming home to a clean house.
5. Having Jason right next to me for the 5 hour car ride.

October 17

1. Delicious Bear Paw Vanilla Brule French Toast.
2. More swimming and loving being with my kids.
3. Nelsons Custard. (Carmel Cashew) Jason had 3 Doubles in on day.
4. McEwan and what a cute friend he is to Max.
5. New clothes for my kids.

October 16

1. The BEST massage from my husband for 1 hour!
2. The sunshine!!!
3. Sitting by the pool watching my kids play Marco polo with Jason and enjoying the warm weather!
4. The play Annie at Toucan and the beautiful red rock surroundings.
5. Getting away from the housework and craziness of everyday life.


October 15

1. Going to the Kwanas Park today with the kids. Swinging with Jayne, watching Max cherry drop and fly like spiderman from the bars to the slide, eating creamery ice cream and enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather!
2. That nothing happened in my little Creamery incident.
3. Going with Max and Jason to Los Hermanos on a date.
4. Fall break and having my kids home today.
5. Holding Jayne tonight while she was so sad and cuddly. She might be acting like she isn't feeling good. Please don't get sick!!!!!

October 14

1. The beautiful rainbow after all the rain.
2. Going to lunch with friends.
3. No bedtime tonight.
4. Shopping with Jason and kids at Kohls.
5. Jayne's toothless smile.


October 13

1. My Lucy's cute curly hair. It just fits her so perfect.
2. That I don't have to drop off my children at daycare everyday!
3. The smell of rain.
4. Getting a kiss from Jason every night when he walks in the door from work.
5. Memories of sharing a room with my sisters growing up.


October 12

1. Going to the pumpkin patch with Lucy. I have been going there every year with one of my kids preschool since Emilee was 3. And I love it. It is so fun to watch them all run around and play and then pick out the perfect pumpkin. Jayne was happy being pushed around in her stroller. I hope it's not to soon that I will be going with her preschool class.
2. 4 corners for family night.
3. A short week of school because of fall break which means less homework.
4. Oprah
5. Football is over. (Happy and Sad) Having all of my family home tonight for the first time in months.


October 11

1. I team teach primary and had a Sunday off of teaching.
2. Sunday dinner at Grandma Millers and playing a fun domino game.
3. Good neighbors to borrow from.
4. Living in Utah.
5. Home teachers to teach my children important principles from someone other than me.


October 10

1. A handy husband that can fix anything. He can do any trade and is one heck of a sprinkler man.
2. A Quiet house...finally. Sometimes I feel like I am the mother of 18.
3. My experiences out on my own. Israel and Russia. I learned more in those months than in a lifetime.
4. My memories of Jason and I back when we were just kids.
5. My bed.

October 9

1. A lunch date to Gloria's today with my two favorite people. (Jay & Jayne)
2. Our new basketball court is done! I can tell that it will be used and loved for many years to come.
3. Reading with Lucy this morning.
4. That all the kids congregate at our house to play. I like to keep my eye on all of my kids.
5. Lucy's apologies after she colored on our suede couch down stairs with a purple marker and lost Jayne's shoes at the neighbors. What am I going to do with her?


October 8

1. Tylenol
2. Going for a walk with Jayne in her stroller and Lucy pushing her teddy bear in her's.
3. Colett
4. Dancing with Jason
5. Jason helped Abbie with her homework.


October 7

1. Having Jason at the head of this house. His wise counsel and knowing that he is always there to talk to the kids, discipline, and protect our family!
2. Watching Steph on Oprah today. Her courage and determination.
3. Good Reports from SEP'S. That my kids always give their best.
4. New cute clothes for my kids for family pictures.
5. A warm bath.

October 6

1. Putting my 5 kids hand prints in our wet cement out on the new basketball court today and what cute hand prints they are!
2. Hot Neman Marcus Cookies.
3. The GREAT life I have. Watching how hard Jason's concrete workers work puts everything into perspective for me today. We are so blessed and life is not fair!! Wish we could live the law of consecration where everything was equal for everyone!
4. Having family prayer every night.
5. Listening to Lucy practice her part for the primary program out on the porch this morning.


October 5

1. Having the kids home today to help me get a head start on the cleaning for the week!
2. My Testimony of the Book of Mormon. Now I just need to be a little more consistent and diligent in reading it.
3. Being raised in the gospel by my good parents.
4. Chips and Salsa from Tanya tonight. Of course Max can't get enough of them.
5. Bathing my girls tonight.


October 4

1. Jenny. What a happy, humble, & sweet niece she is and a great Friend to Em. Emilee slept at her house this weekend, went to the Olive Garden, to the movie Fame, sold potatoes, and had a fun being with her best buddy.
2. Conference weekend. (The best weekend of the year!) Sleeping in, staying in our pajamas, yummy breakfast, cuddling up downstairs with blankets and enjoying all the great talks, the amazing Tabernacle Choir, Elder Holland's talk on the Book of Mormon, the in between conference program on Service in Honduras, cowboy caviar, throwing the football outside.
3. A living Prophet! President Monson and his message to love and serve others.
4. The smell of the heater on in the house and being warm on this cold weekend.
5. Apple Cake with carmel and whip cream.


October 3

1. Jayne in her baby bunting bundled up and happy as can be at Max's chilly football game.
2. Listening to Lucy laugh hysterically all the way through ice age 3. Tonight we went to the movie with Grandma Clark during the Priesthood Session.
3. Watching Jason in his element on the mini ex today as he worked on our basketball court. That is one of the reasons that I married him. He has always been a worker!
4. My mom is my seamstress when I need a little help. Why can't I sew?
5. Having Jason to go to grocery shopping with tonight and his funny confrontation.


October 2

1. Going to Abbie's class today for Mrs. Bohrer's shower and seeing what cute little girl she is.
2. Our project we started for Max's basketball court.
3. Having a date with Lucy tonight. She chose chucke cheese and when I turned that down we hit Juice Press.
4. Having some time to myself tonight after the girls all went to sleep.
5. That Jason has his Max to go to the BYU game with.


October 1

1. Seeing my beautiful girls dance pictures.
2. Talking to Jennifer on the phone.
3. Homemade chicken noodle soup.
4. Motrin. Jayne isn't feeling really good and she was fussy all night until I doused her up with a little Motrin. Thank heavens for modern medicine! I hope it is nothing at that she feels better soon.
5. Lucy saying "Okay mom" over and over again today with a smile.


September 30

1. 35 happy and healthy years
2. All 5 of my kids singing happy birthday to me this morning up stairs.
3. Em waking up early to make me crumb cake for breakfast and all of my homemade cards.
4. Jason coming home from the gym with roses.
5. Jeanette taking Lucy so I could have the afternoon to go to lunch and shop.
6. Colett's lovely dish she made for me.
7. Connie Dye for a visiting teacher and the beautiful flowers.
8. All the millions of calls and texts from family and friends.
9. Dinner at Pizza factory with the kids & Jason not mentioning that he ate there for lunch already.
10. Cake and Cute canisters and table clothes from Teresa and Melis.
11. Jason trying to make today special. (Notes & texts)
12. A Happy Birthday!

September 29

1. Talking to Jamie
2. That my girls get to dance
3. The neat sky tonight. You can see and feel the weather changing.
4. I get to have a scout
5. Laying by Lucy in the morning and telling her Jack and the Bean Stalk.


September 28

1. Spending an afternoon with my mom and dad. We went to Thanksgiving point, had lunch and walked through the gift shop.
2. Jason is my best friend. He listens to what is bothering me and tries to understand.
3. Matt. Heaven ...please help him!!!
4. The word of wisdom
5. Max came home from football late tonight and did his homework all on his own while we were out still running errands.


September 27

1. Jason coming in to my primary class.
2. My dad's yummy potatoes!
3. Family night up at Wallsburg. My dad's object lesson and him tearing up talking about his visit from his Dad.
4. Watching Jason and Max throw the football tonight after we got home and our girls work on their dance together.
5. My kids primary teachers.

September 26

1. A football victory. Boy did we need a win this week. Max played great and it made for a happy Saturday for both of my boys.
2. Cafe Rio after with everyone.
3. Another fun date to the cougar game and Happy Sumo after... yum!
4. Watching sports filmz down stairs late with all of the kids.
5. I have to keep listing the BEAUTIFUL weather!!!!!! Please Stay!
6. A love note from Jason after I got home from Walmart tired late tonight.

September 25

1. Fun Relief Society retreat up at Wallsburg and great sisters in our ward!
2. Jason so willing to take the kids and Jayne did great.
3. Chocolate fountain.
4. Watching my kids ride their bikes to school today. I rode right beside Lucy in the car and she was so proud of herself with the biggest grin the whole time.
5. A clean car.


September 24

1. The comical stressful mornings of school pictures. Em had a zit on her nose and her hair didn't curl after all morning in hot curlers. It was as if the world had come to an end!!
2. Watching my beautiful girls take their dance pictures together in their matching hats. I'm so glad they have each other!
3. Homemade vegetable beef soup and rolls.
4. Homework is done for another day.
5. How much my kids love and help with Jayne.


September 23

1. Having one on one time with Lucy every morning.
2. Going to the mall to get new sweaters for my girls dance pictures.
3. Jason can always cheer me up.
4. Talking with Max in the living room with just Jason and I. What a kid!!!! I will never know what I did right to get him for a son!
5. What a great dad Jason is! He always knows just what to say and is such a great friend and example to our kids.


September 22

1. First day of Autumn and the most perfect weather.
2. Going to the ribbon cutting and grand opening of Sleep Ridge with Jay. Seeing what a great job he did on the building and meeting all the people that I hear him talk about everyday. I am so proud of everything he does. He works so hard and is so good with people. Everyone loves him and of course so do I!
3. When the house is quiet and I know everyone is safe and sound in their beds.
4. Reading posts from my sisters and mom.
5. The law of tithing and the blessings that come from it.


September 21

1. Home Videos for family night. Why do my kids have to grow up so fast? Such fun memories! I am so grateful I have those videos to help me always remember the happy times with my little family!!!!
2. That I don't look like I did years ago. Still big but hopefully a touch better.
3. Our nice home Jason built us.
4. My five perfect kids.
5. Clean sheets.


September 20

1. Going to Relief Society
2. Playing Uno as a family this afternoon.
3. Ice Water
4. How easy Jayne goes to sleep. I just give her a kiss, lay her in her crib and she just rolls over and goes to sleep.
5. Watching the kids do the Hauka.


September 19

1. My family!
2. Going to the first home Cougar game tonight with Jason, Max and McEwan against Florida State ...even if we did get a whooping! Watching Max and McEwan spend every last cent they had on candy and treats.
3. Seeing the beautiful mountains that surround the stadium and the perfect night.
4. Coming home to my Jayne!!!!! That she is so resilient and forgiving. She fell out of her crib tonight and I am sick to my stomach thinking about it. I am so grateful she is okay!!!
5. Coming home to a clean house after Emilee babysat.
6. Brick Oven Pizza down in the basement with all of us home safe and sound.

September 18

1. Going to lunch for Heather's birthday. Good Friends and a yummy sandwich and soup at dough boys and flower girls!
2. Watching my kids run free at the school carnival and Jason flipping burgers. I'm glad he doesn't come home each night smelling like a greasy hamburger!
3. Sabra- saving me from the carnival booth.
4. That Emilee talks to me so openly and tells me everything.. at least I think most everything.
5. The scale going down!


September 17

1. Having Colett across the street. She is always so willing to let Lucy play there when I go somewhere, which makes Lucy happy!
2. Ice cream cones for an after school snack.
3. When the phone rings and I see the number 592-7252 on the caller ID
4. Watching Jayne cruise with her army crawl everywhere all day.
5. When Em and Abbie share clothes, have fun dancing together, and get along.

September 16

1. Raspberries
2. Glad we have no pets! Went visiting teaching tonight and still can't get the smell of dog/zoo out of me.
3. Oprah - is one thing that can keep me kind of interested while on the treadmill.
5. Abbie's continuous stories about the boys... and her promise to just think they are cute but not be boy crazy. uh huh!


September 15

1. Toilets
2. Jayne doing the huffy.
3. Lucy begging me to buy her a bra at walmart.
4. Max has been insisting for days that I buy him some "fruit of the looms" (boxers)
5. BBQing! Yummy steaks and veggie kabobs. (Have I mentioned that I love anytime Jason is home?! It is always the best part of my day when he walks in the door. I love getting to talk to him about my day and hear all about his. Sitting out by the BBQ while he is grilling and having my best friend to talk to.)


September 14

1. Waking up to a clean house! After I went to bed last night - Jason stayed up and cleaned the kitchen and everything so nice.
2. Watching Abbie get her hair cut. She smiled the whole time! She started out wanting her hair cut short and when I begged her to just get a trim she asked for extensions and to dye it brown. She is to funny!
3. Homemade bread and jam from Wendy. She is always so generous and shares her treats with us.
4. Family Night. Jason reading the lesson on Joesph Smith and his friends. Watching Abbie and Lucy working on the play dough, Max with his superman toy in hand whirling it around in the air, tickling Em's back and watching Jayne crawl and try to pull herself up on everything.
5. The rain & lighting & thunder storm. Watching the kids ride their bikes and run around with their umbrella.
6. Seeing Lucy and Abbie sleeping nose to nose tonight all cuddled up together.


September 13

1. Abbie wanting a picture of Grandpa Bowden in her heart locket around her neck. Couldn't find one small enough so we found one of her dad.
2. Jason is Max's barber and gave him a cute hair cut tonight. What can't Jay do?
3. Laying by Jason for an afternoon Sunday nap. I don't know the last time that was possible. Before I fell asleep of course Lucy started screaming which woke up Jayne... but it was good to hold still for a minute while it lasted.
4. Sitting on the swing tonight watching the thunder and lightening.
5. Chocolate Sundae Pie

September 12

1. A date night with Emilee and Jason to Mimi's Cafe. (Em's choice, I LOVE her!)
2. Responsible kids who I can trust to help me with Jayne.
3. An afternoon on the couch completely wiped out watching the Cougars.
4. Jason does the yard work and makes it look so nice.
5. Max will still give me a kiss.


September 11

1. That we live in America.
2. Friday night dates.
3. Lances funny stories.
4. Magelby's chocolate cake.
5. Good friends to go out with.


September 10

1. That I can fall asleep quickly at night.
2. My wedding ring.
3. This time of year! Nothing better than the fall!
4. Healthy kids!!
5. My new curlers.
6. Planting pinto beans with Lucy outside and watering them to grow. ???


September 9

1. Jayne's smile.
2. Watching her play & splash in the tub.
3. Hearing all about my kid's day after school.
4. Quick easy dinners.
5. My good eye sight.


September 8

1. That each day ends. It's nice to know that we get to go to sleep every night and start new again the next day.
2. Swinging on the swing outside with Jayne.
3. A house full of groceries.
4. Lucy has a kazillion little friends in this neighborhood to play with.
5. Our projector


September 7

1. The beautiful mountains we are surrounded by! (Especially this time of year)
2. A day with my husband home from work.
3. Sleeping with the ceiling fan in our bedroom on every night.
4. Air conditioner
5. My family is all safe and sound in their beds sleeping.


September 6

1. Listening to my Abbie bear her testimony in fast and testimony meeting. She is fearless and such a darling girl. I love her!!!
2. Jason's curly hair and how incredibly good he looks in a suit.
3. Listening to him conduct Sacrament meeting, bear his testimony, and give the theme in Primary. How was I so lucky to be married to him?
4. 9:00 a.m. church. We were even on time.
5. Going up to see my family at Wallsburg. The kids always love to be with their cousins and it's always good to spend time with my family.
6. Sitting on the swing with Jason & Jayne tonight not wanting the summer nights to end.
7. No early bed time. No school tomorrow!!!

Spetember 5

1. Knowing it's a long weekend!
2. The Cougars pulling off a victory against Oklahoma for their season opener. It was so fun watching the game down stairs and eating Cafe Rio.
3. Max's determination and knowing he will always give his best in all he does.
4. Getting lunch with everyone after the football games.
5. We have a Walmart close by.

September 4

1. Grandmas! My mom drove down from Midway after switching her Swiss days shift to come to Lucy's Grandparent day at preschool.
2. How excited Lucy was about her big day.
3. Being in Love.
4. Listening to Max tell me about his ride home from school today on his bike and his stop off at Walkers for a Diet Dr. Pepper on Reed.
5. Having a clean house for a minute.


September 3

1. Getting to stay home everyday with my kids!!!!
2. Making homemade salsa with the yummy fresh garden veggies and eating it down in our basement and watching football as a family.
3. Yummy homemade raspberry jam.
4. Getting a love text from Jason today.
5. Getting to wake up a few times in the middle of the night with Jayne and having some quiet time holding her while everyone else is sleeping soundly. Seeing her bright eyes in the dark and listening to her cute sounds. I would miss her if she slept all the way through the night.


September 2

1. Having Jayne as my partner to run errands with.
2. Buying fresh fruit and veggies from the locals.
3. Abbie was ready for school on time.
4. New bowls.
5. The beautiful full moon outside and the sound of crickets as I type.
6. Watching my kids grow up and interact with the opposite sex. Max had a funny experience with Ella under the tree today. Wish I could be in my kids pocket all day and listen to them always. Have I told you that I love my Max?


September 1

1. My favorite month of the year.
2. Talking to my mom on the phone today.
3. Taking Lucy to her first day of dance. She had her cute little black leotard on and was shaking her hips in front of the glass doors and checking herself out before she even walked into the studio.
4. Corn on the Cob.
5. When Jason walks through the door each night!!!

August 31

1. A fun night out with the girls.
2. Having the best friends ever growing up! I have always been so blessed with friends. There is nothing funner than getting together with all of my high school friends. We have so much in common and amazingly are all in the same phase of life right now. We all have 4+ kids, little babies, husbands busy with work and bishopric callings. It is amazing that all of our lives are so similar and happy. I always have so much fun laughing and catching up with everyone!
3. Jason had everyone to sleep tonight when I got home.
4. My long hair
5. My independent and responsible Emilee. She is growing up way to fast and I love her!


August 30

1. Having a day to be with our family.
2. Turkey dinner at Grandma Millers.
3. Having Jayne a little more cuddly. (She doesn't feel very good.)
4. Having Jason's help with the kids homework. He helped Emilee study for her worlds test tonight.
5. Katy. Abbie had a fun sleep over and went Ice blocking with her this weekend. It is so nice to have cousins that are your best friends!

August 29

1. McKinnley. What a cute sweet and happy girl she is.
2. Jason's calling in the bishopric.
3. Our annual leadership party at President Rogers home.
4. Texting. Emilee kept texting us while she was babysitting. Telling us that Jayne pooped on Max in the tub.
5. My Good Hearted Max!!

August 28

1. Going to the Lonestar concert with a cute date and enjoying the last of the beautiful summer nights.
2. Talking to Kelly on the phone.
3. Having a big car I can load up with kids and carpool everywhere.
4. Great neighbors.
5. Having 5 Guys close by!


August 27

1. Water coloring with Lucy
2. Breast Feeding
3. Emilee getting her homework done without being asked.
4. E-mail
5. My little brother Matt


August 26

1. Jason's job.
2. chocolate cinnamon bears
3. A freezer full of meat.
4. My good health!
5. Having a little baby to love and kiss!!!


August 25

1. Spending the mornings with my Lucy. Driving in the car with her as she yells out Bingo flush every 3 seconds. Listening to her say a prayer in the back seat about not drawing on her body and keeping herself healthy and in the middle of the prayer shouting out Bingo flush!
2. My adorable little Jayne! Watching her army crawl around the famiy room and listening to her growl.
3. My new little neice Lily. So fun to go see her at the hospital tonight.
4. That I have had 5 healthy babies.
5.Summer nights. Please don't let them end!!!!


August 24

1. Clean carpets. (I wonder how long it will last?)
2. Fresh peaches for breakfast.
3. Family nights given by Jason
4. My big washers and dryers
5. Sitting at practice & letting my kids run and play.


August 23

1. Temples!!
2. Sitting next to my two favorite boys at the temple dedication.
3. A living prophet. I love President Monson!
4. A brand new kitchen table! Oh did we need one!
5. A Sunday afternoon nap. Oh did I need one!

August 22

1. I get to sleep next to Jason every night.
2. Season opening football game.
3. Watching my little Max play his heart out and his humility. After he scores a touch down and we tell him good job he says "Did you see Truxston's interception?"
4. Date nights!
5. Emilee is a great babaysitter!


August 21

1. Having a preschooler! My Lucy looked so cute for her first day of preschool.
2. Lucy so willing to get her mouth washed out after her bad words. She has just started saying "Oh my Hell" and Jason and I both point at each other. The other night after I told Jason that I don't talk like that Lucy swung open the car door at Cafe Rio and hit the car next to us and out came those same 3 words. Today after school as she was working on her important homework she messed up and said "oh my freaking hell." I was shocked!!! So she looked at me and said I'm sorry I better go wash my mouth out with soap. So we headed into the bathroom and I saw the tears in her eyes and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I decided that I better use the soap on myself before I use it on her!
3. Going up to the cabin tonight. The beautiful cool air, eating yummy pizza & playing a fun game with grandma.
4. Watching Max get so excited about his new jersey for tomorrow.
5. Reading scriptures with my kids at breakfast every morning. I wonder how many more years I can get them all to scriptures together.


August 20

1. Watching the excitement of my kids as they headed off for their first day of school.
2. A quiet peaceful day.
3. A lunch date with my hubby. There is NOTHING I love more than a call from him inviting to go to lunch and believe me it only happens once in a very blue moon. It must be my lucky day!
4. A little feeling of fall in the air.
5. Sitting as a family at Sonic tonight after football practice having delicious cherry limeade slushies!


August 19

1. Back to School Father's Blessings. Watching Abbie's big grin on her face the whole time and Lucy being so excited that she couldn't bare to wait her turn and then sitting up so big and listening so hard to every word. (I love Jason!)
2. The Priesthood in our home!
3. The last day at the pool soaking in all the sun we could before school starts. Having fun friends there to talk with and plenty of little friends for all my kids.
4. Delicious homemade carmel apples for a FHE treat.
5. My easy going Jayne that makes going every where all day long no problem. I love you Jayne!!!


August 18

1. JASON!!!
2. Lindon Elementary. I honestly feel like my kids get to go to the greatest school ever. We have been so lucky to have had such great teachers so far.
3. A great mother in law who is so good to my kids.
4. A surprise stop by from my mom and grandma this morning. Blueberry muffins made by Emilee for breakfast out on the front porch.
5. Lucy's cute little piggie buns and watching Barney with her in bed this morning. The poor girl has never seen Barney...only sweet life of Zack and Cody crap and Hannah Montana.


August 17

1. Abbie's sparkly smile with her new sparkly earrings. She got her ears pierced today and I loved to watch her light up every time she told anyone and everyone she knew and showed them how proud she was.
2. Being able to take my kids to get new school shoes and watching each one of them choose just what they wanted. Max was very particular and hasn't stopped telling me thank you all night. He can't wait to wear them.
3. My Grandpa Bowden! He died 3 years ago today and I miss him! He was a great example to me and was such a kind and loving man. I have some great memories of him playing his banjo, going with him to BYU basketball games, going to visit him at his office and always getting a sucker, and our annual girls night out. I love you Grandpa!
4. Getting my visiting teaching done early.
5. Eating good today.


August 16

1. Having Jason to sit next to in Sacrament Meeting! We went to Bronson's farewell today and it felt so good to have him by my side.
2. The change in weather- The cool actually feels good for a change.
3. A night with just our family. Watching Pirates of the Caribbean all together down stairs and eating popcorn.
4. Bret's humor and good heart.
5. Not having to teach a lesson today.
6. Stephanie is recovering and doing much better!