
November 26

1. A Happy Thanksgiving! Putting up and decorating our tree with the girls this morning. Em getting to sleep at Grandma's and help get dinner ready. Max and Jason playing in a turky bowl together. Having the Heaps here! A yummy meal with shrimp cocktail and the works. Mom's grateful flour game. Making Indian tp's out of sugar cones. Visiting the Miller's and chocolate sundae pie. A fun game of Monopoly with our kids down stairs and kicking butt.
2. Healthy kids!
3. The perfect husband for me who I am madly in love with.
4. His job.
5. I get to stay home with my kids everyday.
6. A warm house.
7. The gospel and the happiness it brings to me.
8. Wonderful extended family.
9. Living in Utah
10. Our great Country and our freedoms.

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