
November 8

1. Lance's invoice for the Jazz game.
2. Going to the Sunday School with Jason and Relief Society.
3. My testimony of Joesph Smith. I know that he was called of God to restore the fullness of the gospel and teach us the plan of salvation. I know that he saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that he translated theBook of Mormon. I also know that he was a prophet of God and I am amazed that he was able to endure so much and never waiver. I am very grateful to him for his great example, his strength, dedication, and sacrifice!!!
4. Max & Lucy's talks in primary.
5. Lisa Passmore's talk in Sacrament meeting on Joy.
6. Jayne slept all night long until 7 :00 AM!!! I kept waking up wondering if something was wrong.

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