
October 26

1. Going to Max's first basketball game. The score was 51 to 12. Our team being 12. But Max scored 2 of those 12 points. It was sure fun watching him hustle and try his best. This will be an interesting league. Very competitive with a lot of talent. Go Max!
2. The kids are all finally in bed, homework done and the house is quiet. I thought I was going to lose my mind there for a bit. That last hour before bed is always rough. Everyone starts pulling out their papers out of their backpacks, everyone needs help with their homework, everyone is hungry, Lucy needs her bum wiped, Jayne is whining and tired, the phone is ringing, drinks are spilling, girls are wanting curlers in their hair, the house is a complete wipeout for the 3rd time for the day ....sheer kaos!
3. Isabelle is feeling better and Abbie has her buddy back.
4. Another shot for my sweet Jayne. Please ears get better!
5. So far no swine flu. (knock on wood!)
6. Jason's long curly hair

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