
December 24

1. Our breakfast tradition on Christmas Eve with my Grandma Bowden. My kids look forward to it.
2. Christmas Eve dinner at Millers yummy food, games, Christmas jammies, and my cute new necklace.
3. Seeing the kids so excited and tracking Santa on the computer.
4. Our own little Christmas Eve gathering as a family around the fire tonight. Talking about the real meaning of Christmas, the Savior and helping others. We are so lucky to have Jason at the head of our house. He talked to them about Christmas's when he was a boy and then taught them about all the things that are important. He bore his testimony to them and I know they were all really listening for a change. I felt the spirit so strong and felt an over whelming feeling of love and gratitude for my good family and life! Then we all shared our favorite Christmas memory. Max's favorite Christmas memory was helping a family in Springville for a Sub for Santa and he just cried. He is the most tender hearted kid I have ever known and gave the most incredibly sincere prayer tonight. I am telling you that he is one special boy!!!!
5. Checking outside one last time to see if we could see anything in the sky and sure enough Abbie spotted Santa. We hurried and set out cookies and egg nog and got into bed as fast as we could. I LOVE having little kids that make Christmas so fun and magical!
6. Spending my 19th Christmas Eve with the person I love more than anything! Watching him be in a panic after the kids all finally go to sleep and saying shhhhhhh about every 10 seconds.

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