
November 1

1. Listening to Lucy and Abbie belt out "The Sun will come out tomorrow!"
2. Having Sunday dinner all together at home. Abbie and Lucy made the cutest name tags for everyones place with their names on the outside of the card and on the inside it said " Menyou Chicken and Noodles." It i s so fun to have girls.
3. Having a single date with Em to Sacrament Meeting because the others aren't feeling good. She said you can't count that a date but I thought it was fun. I even bore my testimony because I wasn't rastling kids.
4. Jason took my primary class. (And today was my last day because I got released. I have like being in primary with my kids. Now I am the Ward Activity Chair. ????
5. Abbie spent all afternoon cleaning the entire house just because. I love her!

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