
September 1

1. My favorite month of the year is here.
2. Fresh berries and a yummy custard cream I made.
3. Taking Lucy to her 1st day of Kindergarten. She looked so cute and was so ready! She goes with all of her little buddies and couldn't get there fast enough. It was fun to see her sitting at her little table and picking her up to hear all about it.
4. Lucy constant funny comments. After getting lipstick all over the carpet and her and Jayne's clothes. She said don't worry mom, just buy Oxy Clean. I saw it on the news and it gets everything out. And I will just have a lemonade stand after school to earn money to buy us new clothes."
5. Emilee tried out for the freshman volleyball team today. I made her and she wasn't happy with me. I have got to get her busy with something after school and so I took her down to the High School and tried to convince her how much fun it would be. There were over 50 girls trying out and only 18 made it, and of course there were mostly 9th graders. She didn't make it but she told me that she had fun and would maybe like to play sometime. Progress!
6. Going for a long late night walk with Jason and Jayne.
7. Jason can read me so good and picks up the pieces when I am falling apart. He did the dishes tonight and put the girls to bed.

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