
January 30

1. Listening to Jason teach the combined lesson today. I stayed home from church with Jayne, and then just last minute I decided to throw on my skirt and run and hear him.
2. Fasting.
3. Watching our Trek video again, and feeling so lucky to have gone. I pray my kids get that chance.
4. Finding stuff to make for dinner without my usual Saturday night grocery run.
5. Getting to hold my sick little girl.

January 28

1. Going to the gym with Jason in between games today and watching 12 rounds.
2. Isabelle for being willing to watch Jayne while I was still at Max's game.
3. Magelby's buffet. I am still dreaming about their desserts.
4. Coming home to Max cuddled up and holding Jayne with a fever. When I asked him why he didn't call me he said, "every time I got up she would cry, so I just held her."
5. Ashley came over today. Wish she came over more.

January 27

1. Going to the mall this morning with Jayne, and she wasn't too bad either.
2. Watching her as she ran down the hall at full speed towards the tree. She makes me so happy!
3. Moonpops. 16 calories.
4. My Friday Night conversations with Sara Fryer.
5. Date night to Sakura with friends.
6. Heather for driving carpool so I could keep shopping.

January 26

1. Holding Jayne's sweet little hand when we cross the street.
2. A stop by from my mom after the temple. She brought us some yummy chicken burritos & fruit.
3. Watching Max practice his Jimmer moves.
4. Having an idea decided on for our service project.
5. Jodi for bringing over yummy chex mix.


January 25

1. That I can take my kids with me to Zumba in the morning and they do good. Which allows me to sleep in the morning because I don't have to go to the gym so stinkin' early.
2. A letter from Matt!
3. Jim Mosher for helping Max with Scouts. Another award tonight at Pack Meeting.
4. Good Reports at Parent Teacher Conference for all 3 kids.
5. Great teachers who put so much time into helping my kids learn.
6. Jeanette for entertaining a sad Jayne for a bit while I went to help in Lucy's class.
7. The Bishop for bringing over his full size picture of Fredette for Max. My girls cleaned his room for him while he was a practice and hung it on his wall. They were so excited to show him.... of course he LOVED it!
8. Watching the game down stairs and an awesome victory over #4 San Diego State! Fredette is unbelievable.

January 25

1. Toy Story 3 for Jayne to watch in the car.
2. Dinner & planning meeting with the Bishopric at Texas Roadhouse.
3. Texts from Jason that make me laugh while I am doing laundry.
4. A spoonful of peanut butter.
5. Feeling good today.


January 24

1. A yummy stir fry dinner.
2. Reading all night with my kids. Abbie and I read 1/2 of her book for her book report and Max and I read his entire book for his book report. And then of course Jayne wanted her turn and we read two books together. Hours and Hours of reading.
3. Hearing the garage door shut each night and knowing that Jason is home.
4. Jayne's prayers.
5. Excedrin.


January 23

1. Why don't I have kids that like nursery? 5 for 5 hate it! I leave Jayne in there so I can do my RS stuff and Jason hears her cry and goes right in and rescues her. Every Sunday she asks for her Daddy because she knows he won't stick her in there.
2. Note to self: Don't look at Jason during the closing song in Sacrament Meeting. At least once a months someone doesn't show up to give the closing prayer so Jason waves me up to say it.
3. Abbie's cute talk tonight at the Stake Baptism Preview. She looked so cute in her baptism dress and just beamed with excitement. When we got out of the car at the church she jumped out and said " I've got this!" She has been practicing her talk and had it memorized absolutely perfect, so I didn't give her a piece of paper to look at. She sat up on the stand so brave, and she was the first speaker. I was so stinkin' nervous for her! She stood up to the pulpit and immediately I saw the sheer horror on her face when she looked out at the crowd and I knew that her talk had completely left her mind. She just froze and stumbled her way through bits and pieces of it. She got out of order and didn't know what to do. She kept looking at me and I didn't know if I should run up there and help her. I was so proud of her staying up there and pulling it off. I think I would of turned around and ran. But she didn't, she just winged it and finished like a champion. When she walked off the stand she hurried to the back to sit by me and Jason. She immediately broke into tears and buried her head in my lap. She was so devastated. I told that if she would sit up and listen to the rest of the meeting, that Heavenly Father would tell her that he was proud of her. After a while she sat up and during the last song, she started crying and said, Mom, it's okay, I can feel him and I feel better now.
4. Watching "Day and Knight" as a family. Me and all the girls layed on the bean bag next to Jason. Lucy and Jayne fell asleep laying on his chest and it he couldn't move for two hours. What a lucky guy to have so many girls that love him.
5. Jason made Max a huge stack of pancakes before he went to bed.


January 22

1. I woke up at 7:45 when Abbie's basketball game started at 8:00 - And we all made it on time!
We didn't' look great but we were all there with smiles.
2. Seeing the Jackson's.
3. Having a conversation with my little girl. I can actually talk to her and understand a lot of what she wants. She repeats everything I say.
4. Max has been earning money for a new hat. It has been so nice to have his help around the house! Tonight Jason and I took him to pick out the special hat. After a lot of thought and comparing, he chose a Jazz hat. It is hat day at school on Monday and he is all ready!
5. Trying the Sushi House with Jason and laughing the whole time as he ordered. We sat at the bar and he tried to order everything "special". He wanted them to add this or that or hold this. He was talking to some new buddies he had at the bar about different things and had the Japanese workers so confused. At one point we had the 3 chefs, the owner, and the waitress' all gathered around us to try and figure out what he meant. Finally I just told him to forget it.
6. Breakfast with Caressa at Kneaders.

January 21

1. Having Lucy's cute friends over for lunch and to play. I love listening to them all interact.
2. Emilee had a big group of girls over tonight. The danced, talked on the phone, and watched a movie.
3. Little Cesar's to feed the hundreds.
4. Painting Jaynie's fingernails.
5. A late night game at the church. Talking to Heather, Jason's amazing skills and the Bishop bringing home the Max and his buddies after we forgot them at the church at 11:00PM. oppps!
6. Talking to Emilee in her bed about boys. Heaven help us both.
7. JCW's with my two favorite boys in between Max's games.


January 20

1. Jason making pancakes for the kids and getting them all ready for school for me.
2. Making him a lunch and taking it down to him.
3. Having Jayne to run errands with. It will be a sad day when I am all alone.
4. Jason breaking down and buying a new mattress for us!!! I am praying that it will cure our backs. Jason's comment as he walked in, "we want the cheapest and hardest mattress you have", in all seriousness. And then a minute later said if we spend a 1/3 of our life sleeping we might as well sleep on something nice. We still bought the hardest and cheapest mattress.
5. Jayne in her new jammies.
6. When I came home from Zumba Jason and Max had the whole house clean... kitchen spotless, new mattress on the bed and made, and and everywhere vacuumed. If only you could of seen what it looked like before we left.

January 19

1. Lucy helping me wash walls and scrub base boards.
2. Reading the 3 little bears with Jaynie.
3. Going to see the Carl Bloch exhibit at BYU with the RS.
4. Elder Maxwell's commentary about Gethsemane.
5. Going with Jason and the kids for late night burritos at Del Taco. 8 burritos for 4 dollars!

January 18

1. Staying in bed all morning while my girls ran around wild.
2. Not having to go anywhere when I don't feel good.
3. A crockpot. I threw a roast in this morning and didn't have to do really anything else for dinner.
4. Looking at pictures of my kids when they were little. What great memories!
5. Getting in the tub with Jayne.

January 17

1. MLK day. No school!!
2. Going to see True Grit with Jason.
3. Staying in my sweats all day.
4. It is above freezing for a change.
5. Jayne tells me "I love you."

January 16

1. My Dad!!!
2. Jayne slept again during church. I think she falls asleep just to get out of nursery.
3. Abbie's talk today in Primary. She had it completely memorized.
4. Emilee's yummy chocolate cake.
5. Nyquil

January 15

1. Abbie's dancing and cheering every time she scored in her game. Her 1/2 time buzzer beater was awesome.
2. Max had 2 games and played the best I've seen him.
3. Emilee spent a fun day playing in the snow with the YM/YW.
4. Going out with the Adams. Sakura and Chocolate.
5. Lucy's loud and contagious laugh.

January 14

1. Fridays
2. Watching Jason score 30+ points in his ward BB game tonight.
3. Coconut Shrimp
4. Jason helping Rae Jean with her basement flooding tonight.
5. Jason came home from snowmobiling safe!!!

January 13

1. Finding Jamie's frame after spending all day searching.
2. Phone calls throughout the day from Jason.
3. Having my girls to shake it with at Zumba. I love watching them all dance.
4. Meeting the new Stake RS presidency tonight.
5. Jason doesn't need to get surgery on his shoulder.
6. Jason's big smile on his face when Emilee told us that one of her friends had asked her if it was her big brother that was sitting by her and her mom at the fireside on Sunday. (Please! I may be getting old, but old enough to be Jason's mom?)

January 12

1. Going to Zumba today with Christy and Elisa. The little girls loved.
2. Finding Max's Weblos book.
3. The Amazing New Beginnings with Emilee. The theme was "Happily Ever After" and it was awesome! I loved the two songs they sang.
4. The Young Women's program and the great leaders.
5. Abbie is a great babysitter. Jayne would probably rather go to her than anyone.

January 11

1. Jeanette taking Lucy and Jayne so I could go to SEOP's with Emilee. Jayne is always so happy to play there.
2. My carpools to school.
3. An instant fire with a flip of the switch.
4. My perfect eye sight.
5. Jason taking the kids to the gas station for donuts after every one of his games.


January 10

1. Having Jason home with me all day. He stayed home sick today, which he NEVER does and he didn't get out of bed. He needed it. I even caught a little nap next to him.
2. Getting all of my RS stuff handed out today.
3. Lucy always asking me what I care more about every day. Ex. Today when I told her to put her coat and backpack away while she was eating an apple, she asked me "what do you care more about having a clean house or having a healthy daughter?"
4. Clean bathrooms.
5. When I get home from the gym, Em is usually sitting on the couch all ready for school a half hour early.

January 9

1. A great ward conference.
2. Jayne fell asleep at church and snored so loud for over an hour.
3. Going to my parents for the yummiest dinner ever. Tri Tip Marsala. YUM!
4. Giving my grandma a hug. She is so skinny and frail.
5. Emilee's beautiful song "We Believe" that she sang tonight at our Stake fireside.

January 8

1. A jammed packed day with the family.
2. Abbie had her first Jr. Jazz basketball game. She rocked. She smiled and loved every second of it. Max gave her all the tips that his dad gives him before every game. "Be aggressive!" is always the most important.
3. Max had two games. One that he played nervous and unsure and the other he played like Michael Jordan. It was fun to watch the contrast.
4. Jason did some honey do's around the house. Fixed the blinds, unclogged the drains in my bathroom, fixed the kitchen sink, & finally took down the Christmas tree.
5. Watching Jason react after Jayne pulled the plug on our t.v. wit 2 minutes left in the Colts game. (I like it when he gets a taste of Jayne after a full day with her.)


January 7

1. Emilee went to school this morning even when her face was bright red and completely swollen from a new cleanser. She cried and cried and didn't know what to do. Oh, the joys of junior high! I went down in the afternoon with some burn free to put all over it. She had steam coming off her face because it was so hot.
2. Going to reading date with Abbie at school, & Jason with Max.
3. Going with Jason up to Park City to return Abbie's shoes. Note to self: don't buy stuff up at Park City for Christmas. It isn't worth the drive if it doesn't fit.
4. Going to dinner with friends after the ward basketball game.
5. Kelly filling me in.

January 6

1. An amazing facial from Shelly.
2. The Staheli family.
3. Going to lunch with all my kids. I checked them out of school for a bit and took them to lunch. Max has been begging for a Meatball Marina.
4. Being the witness couple at the temple tonight.
5. A temple close by.
6. My family. I can't imagine life without them.
7. Jayne isn't sick. She threw up after I got back from the gym, but then she just kept playing, eating, and no sign of it again!

January 5

1. Matt! I will always love my little brother.
2. Going to the church today for scouts with the whole fam & watching the kids play basketball.
3. Tissues for Jayne's sore.
4. Having Jason to fix things when I am sad.
5. My mom's cd & book to "The Biggest Bear" My kids to love listen to it every night before bed. And Jayne listens to it at nap time.

January 4

1. Cute little Ellie.
2. Emilee comes home from school and talks to me about everything that is bothering her.
3. Going to Zumba with all of my girls.
4. Coming home to Jason and Max watching football in our bed. I am so GLAD they have each other.
5. Reading Stephanie's article in UV Magazine.

January 3

1. Back to the gym, Back to school.
2. The yummiest Rib Roast from Ray.
3. My husbands unbelievable basketball skillz.
4. Going with Em to get her eyebrows waxed from Shelly.
5. I came home and Jason had made spaghetti for dinner.


January 2

1. My lesson is over. And I didn't even get to worried about it.
2. Abbie loves to bear her testimony.
3. Visiting Debbie Cook. I love her.
4. Getting my kids in bed early. We are gearing up for school tomorrow.
5. Max got all of his homework done for the week tonight. Reading his new years resolutions. He says he wants to get straight A's.
6. Tiffany's testimony about the gas.
7. Jason visiting with President Doman.
8. Stephanie Ruff came to RS. She asked me what she could do to help me with my lesson.
9. Nina's phone call.
10. Abbie telling me what she wants to say in he talk for the Baptism Preview.
11. Jayne walking around the house saying "A donalds, A omburger" translation: I want a McDonalds Hamburger. She takes after her Grandpa Clark. Love her!

January 1

1. My sister Jamie. I love her!
2. A new year and a new start.
3. Taking the kids to play Bball at the church while I printed off stuff for my lesson.
4. Jason taking me every where while I did my last minute things for tomorrow.
5. Shauna for giving me an idea for my hand out and Colett for lending me her pot.
*Things that I want to accomplish in 2011
* Laugh more
* Make time for more 1 on 1 time with each of my kids.
* Work on Family History
* Listen and follow my promptings.
* Do better with my coupon shopping and stay in my budget.
* Have added patience for Emilee and stay close to her.
* Be consistent! Go to the gym and eat better.

December 31

1. Jason pulled the kids behind the 4 wheeler today so I could get some stuff done.
2. The best meal I have ever had at Tsumami. Love their sushi!
3. The Nelson's rockin' party. Watching all of my kids run around and dance all night. Jason's awesome dance moves from high school, & having fun friends to ring in the new year with.
4. Benadryl for Jayne's not stop runny nose. It also came in handy and knocked her out for the night.
5. A great year! We have all been so healthy this past year and we are in such a fun stage of life right now.
6. Having Jason to celebrate another holiday with.