
January 23

1. Why don't I have kids that like nursery? 5 for 5 hate it! I leave Jayne in there so I can do my RS stuff and Jason hears her cry and goes right in and rescues her. Every Sunday she asks for her Daddy because she knows he won't stick her in there.
2. Note to self: Don't look at Jason during the closing song in Sacrament Meeting. At least once a months someone doesn't show up to give the closing prayer so Jason waves me up to say it.
3. Abbie's cute talk tonight at the Stake Baptism Preview. She looked so cute in her baptism dress and just beamed with excitement. When we got out of the car at the church she jumped out and said " I've got this!" She has been practicing her talk and had it memorized absolutely perfect, so I didn't give her a piece of paper to look at. She sat up on the stand so brave, and she was the first speaker. I was so stinkin' nervous for her! She stood up to the pulpit and immediately I saw the sheer horror on her face when she looked out at the crowd and I knew that her talk had completely left her mind. She just froze and stumbled her way through bits and pieces of it. She got out of order and didn't know what to do. She kept looking at me and I didn't know if I should run up there and help her. I was so proud of her staying up there and pulling it off. I think I would of turned around and ran. But she didn't, she just winged it and finished like a champion. When she walked off the stand she hurried to the back to sit by me and Jason. She immediately broke into tears and buried her head in my lap. She was so devastated. I told that if she would sit up and listen to the rest of the meeting, that Heavenly Father would tell her that he was proud of her. After a while she sat up and during the last song, she started crying and said, Mom, it's okay, I can feel him and I feel better now.
4. Watching "Day and Knight" as a family. Me and all the girls layed on the bean bag next to Jason. Lucy and Jayne fell asleep laying on his chest and it he couldn't move for two hours. What a lucky guy to have so many girls that love him.
5. Jason made Max a huge stack of pancakes before he went to bed.

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