
March 27

1. A fun filled day with my mom and girls. We left early this morning to head up to Bountiful for another dance competition.
2. Lunch at Cafe Rio and shopping at the Gateway.
3. Max's great first game up at the U. He came home unharmed!
4. Making it to the Young Women's Conference (barely) after being completely stuck in traffic, locking our keys in the car and running full blast with a weak bladder. And best of all being there with my Emilee and Mom. Emilee is getting so old and is my best little friend. "Mom, did you get your warm up's?"
5. Elder Uchdorof's amazing talk and the spirit being so strong.
6. The incredible Conference Center!!! I have never been inside and WOW was it amazing.
7. Being in the presence of the Prophet!!!!
8. Jason driving back to unlock our car doors.
9. Jason for holding down the fort and taking care of the kids all day and night!
10. Finishing the night off eating dinner at the Pizza Factory for Em's birthday.
11. That I get to the mother of 4 girls.
12. I found Abbie after a panic search up at the U. Of course she was just playing unaware of my frenzy.
13. Craig and Teresa buying us chairs to sit in and snacks for Jayne.
14. Mom's yummy granola.
15. Lucy finally falling asleep in the stroller during Max's game.

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