
February 27

1. Going with my girls up to Ogden all day for their Odyssey Dance Competition. It was so fun to be just the 3 of us all day!
2. Jason stayed home with Jayne, Lucy, & Max so we could enjoy ourselves.
3. Watching Abbie's face when she got her trophy.
4. That we don't live in Ogden. I love little Lindon!
5. Coming home and going to Brick Oven for Dinner to celebrate! Way to go Girls!
6. When I got back Jason had chicken and asparagus all cooked for me. I love him.
7. Not really running out of gas. We pushed it all the way home on low gas hoping to make it and just as we got off the freeway in Lindon (just a block from the gas station) the car died. I pulled off to the side of the road in disbelief and called Jason. He was in the middle of cooking me dinner so I just kept trying to start it and miraculously it did. We hurried to the nearest gas station and fueled up while Emilee lost a tooth. She waits until her teeth just fall out because she doesn't want them pulled. You would have thought that she had lost an arm with all the dramatics.

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