
November 29

1. Advil. I have gone through 2 bottles since Wednesday. My Abbie is so stinking sick now.
2. That I could stay home from church today and be with her. Lucy is finally feeling better. Who is next?
3. Staying home tonight and having a fun night with the kids playing Monopoly down stairs.
4. A dishwasher that runs all day long.
5. Lucy's artwork that she gives me 20 times a day.

November 28

1. A Cougar Victory over Utah.
2. The fun date and swanky seats with Colett and Matt with all the food you can possibly shove down.
3. Emilee tending so I could go!
4. Seeing Max in all of his cougar gear and hearing play for play how it went after the game.
5. This fun holiday time of year.

November 27

1. Getting a start on our Christmas shopping and the cute Walmart lady that hooked us up!
2. Going swimming in Kamas with the kids and my family.
3. Dinner and games up at Mom's.
4. Jamie's fun and happy personality. I'm so lucky to have her for a sister and I miss having her around.
5. Jason having a day off and being all together as a family.


November 26

1. A Happy Thanksgiving! Putting up and decorating our tree with the girls this morning. Em getting to sleep at Grandma's and help get dinner ready. Max and Jason playing in a turky bowl together. Having the Heaps here! A yummy meal with shrimp cocktail and the works. Mom's grateful flour game. Making Indian tp's out of sugar cones. Visiting the Miller's and chocolate sundae pie. A fun game of Monopoly with our kids down stairs and kicking butt.
2. Healthy kids!
3. The perfect husband for me who I am madly in love with.
4. His job.
5. I get to stay home with my kids everyday.
6. A warm house.
7. The gospel and the happiness it brings to me.
8. Wonderful extended family.
9. Living in Utah
10. Our great Country and our freedoms.

November 25

1. Jason's pheasant fry at the office today.
2. Taking the kids to Kiwanis park and watch them all play together and have fun.
3. Going to see Chetty and taking her something for her birthday.
4. Jayne's ears looked good today at the doctors.
5. Jason and Max are putting up our Christmas lights.


November 24

1. Having the Heaps home.
2. Getting to do Abbie's Thanksgiving party and even more so that is over.
3. Having a mom close by that can go to Grandparents day at the school.
4. No dance, no homework, no scouts!
5. Adult date night with my siblings and parents to Outback.

November 23

1. Watching Jason play basketball. (He still plays unbelievable.)
2. Butternut Squash soup.
3. Getting to go to the grocery store all by myself.
4. A clean car.
5. Having Lucy as my sidekick everyday! I adore her!


November 22

1. My new calling as the 1st counselor in the Relief Society.
2. My mom showing up to church today to come to RS without even telling me.
3. Jason setting me apart after church. I love him!
4. Emilee staying home from church today to take care of Lucy and Jayne who are now both sick.
5. Eye drops. Jayne has the goopiest eyes.

November 21

1. Max got to go play in the ward Turkey Bowl with his dad.
2. Making homemade cinnamon rolls with my girls this morning,
3. I was warm inside my bed watching the BYU victory over Air Force while the boys were at the game cold.
4. Some much needed new church clothes.
5. Having a night to get out of the house. Jason took me shopping tonight. It is so nice to have him there to help with Jayne and give me some advice!

November 20

1. I've managed to stay healthy with all of my kids getting sick so often. Today Abbie stayed home with an earache and Max threw up last night.
2. Playing uno with my sick kids today.
3. Brick Oven for a fun family date.
4. Mom and Dad and Matt bringing over shakes from the purple turtle for the sickies.
5. Jason came home safe from Pheasant Hunting. (grouchy but safe)


November 19

1. The cute things I got at the boutique.
2. Having the house smell yummy for dinner when everyone gets home.
3. Lucy asking me if she can dial 911 this morning to tell the police that- "that the one man died know the lady that gave me the bear's husband? (Don)
4. Accomplishing a lot today.
5. Matt is doing good.

November 18

1. Lindon Elementary
2. Diflucan
3. Going to the temple with Jason
4. The beautiful picture of Christ
5. Trading days with Jeanette for the little girls.


November 17

1. Trying a new recipe even though my family didn't dig it.
2. Kade. Just wish he lived closer for my Max.
3. Jason came home early tonight to rescue my Jayne while I was at a meeting.
4. My mornings with just Lucy and helping her on her homework.
5. Our neighborhood coalition and knowing that my kids have other people that are looking out for them and helping me.


November 16

1. Dinner all together.
2. Jason's mid-day phone calls.
3. A car that is paid for.
4. Binki's
5. My good eye sight.

November 15

1. Our weekly Sunday night dance - watching Jason bust out his moves.
2. Paul Adams lessons for Sunday school.
3. My Dad telling me that he loves me and that he is proud of me via my mom on the phone.
4. Our lesson from our Home teachers about not getting angry.
5. Good kids today in sacrament meeting.
6. Jason can read me perfectly and always knows when I need a little TLC.


November 14

1. Laying next to Jason all afternoon watching football. I Luv him.
2. McEwan's baptism. I always feel the spirit so strong at a baptism.
3. Chris and Lisa bringing the yummiest desserts over to watch the Utah vs TCU game.
4. We came home to a clean house thanks to my good kids.
5. Listening to Christmas music this morning while it snowed and we made yummy pumpkin bread.

November 13

1. Date night with Jay and Jayne.
2. Feeling like I reached Emilee tonight talking with her in the living room.
3. Jason handles our finances and pays the bills.
4. Watching Home Alone with Lucy and Brooklyn.
5. Jason came home early to rake up the leaves.


November 12

1. Jayne got tubes in her ears today. That it went okay and she seems to be doing fine.
2. Jason getting Jayne a new walker/toy after her surgery.
3. A little nap today.
4. Medical advancement and technology.
5. Lucy stayed in her footie pajamas all day and loved them. She even had a nap with me.

November 11

1. Going on a walk with Jayne.
2. Two reflection winners.
3. A basketball victory for Max...finally.
4. A trip through the drive thru after the game at JCW's.
5. A dishwasher.


November 10

1. Lucy's contagious laugh.
2. A sparkling clean bathroom.
3. Jason doing the dishes while I picked up Abbie from Dance.
4. A healthy and perfect Jayne. It was her 9 months check up today and she is developing so great and I felt so lucky to have had 5 very healthy children. She is the in the 98% in height, 62% in weight.
5. Squash - one of my favorite things to eat this time of year!


November 9

1. A new vacuum!
2. A date with my hubby to the gym.
3. Quite time when I get to hold and feed Jayne.
4. Clean sheets.
5. New recipes.


November 8

1. Lance's invoice for the Jazz game.
2. Going to the Sunday School with Jason and Relief Society.
3. My testimony of Joesph Smith. I know that he was called of God to restore the fullness of the gospel and teach us the plan of salvation. I know that he saw our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that he translated theBook of Mormon. I also know that he was a prophet of God and I am amazed that he was able to endure so much and never waiver. I am very grateful to him for his great example, his strength, dedication, and sacrifice!!!
4. Max & Lucy's talks in primary.
5. Lisa Passmore's talk in Sacrament meeting on Joy.
6. Jayne slept all night long until 7 :00 AM!!! I kept waking up wondering if something was wrong.

November 7

1. Getting family pictures done. What a darling family I have!!!
2. Emilee being so helpful today...helping getting everyone ready for pictures and then tending Lucy and Jayne tonight.
3. Going to the Jazz game with Jason, Abbie, and Max.
4. The "Box" Seats and the royal treatment. Laughing all night long with Jason about our embarrassing situation with the food!!!
5. Getting new boots with my girls.

November 6

1. Finally getting my hair done! It was so past due.
2. My mom came over to watch a sad Jayne while I went.
3. Date night with Jason and the Trimbles. We went to the church for a marriage class by Matt Townsen. He is hilarious and Jayne was distracting. The 5 minute stair into Jason's eyes. I feel so blessed to have him! What an great man he is with so many incredible qualities!
4. Going to Don's viewing and seeing all of my aunts and uncles that I haven't seen in awhile. My Dad has a great family.
5. My mom taking our kids to tie quilts and make cards.
6. Trying Thai food for the first time.


November 5

1. I made it through another day. Life seems so busy right now I almost feel like we are spinning out of control.
2. Seeing my kids at lunch with all their friends for red ribbon week.
3. Having Jayne wanting to be real close to me every second of the day. Rocking her to sleep during Max's football party.
4. I didn't have to be in charge of Max's party this year.
5. Paul Carter for stepping in to help us last minute with our football DVD.!!
6. Yarro's for taking our girls tonight because plan A was ruined.


November 4

1. Jason trying when I need it. He brought home pizza tonight for dinner because he knew... I needed it.
2. A working cell phone again. Boy I wonder how life went on before cell phones.
3. Working tear ducts. I had a good cry today and I needed it. Somehow it can let a lot out and make me feel better. My mom told me last week that her tear ducts don't work. I've never thought of being grateful for working tear ducts but today I am.
4. Red Ribbon week and teaching my children to be drug free.
5. Watching the fish with Jayne today in the doctors office and her giggle every time they would move.


November 3

1. Juice Press with Em.
2. Laying on the couch talking to Max about missions.
3. Jason coming home from work and saying "I will stay here with the kids so you can get out for a break." and I went to the Gym. (Just wish there wasn't mirrors - AHHH!)
4. Jason giving Emilee a blessing and she is feeling better.
5. My Grandma Clark. Don died today. I hope she is okay.


November 2

1. Being able to stay home and take care of my sick kids.
2. Advil and Tylenol
3. Abbie taking care of everybody.... tickling Emilee and Lucy's back and kept saying I'm sorry your so sick Emilee.
4. Playing patty cake with Jayne.
5. The Ensign


November 1

1. Listening to Lucy and Abbie belt out "The Sun will come out tomorrow!"
2. Having Sunday dinner all together at home. Abbie and Lucy made the cutest name tags for everyones place with their names on the outside of the card and on the inside it said " Menyou Chicken and Noodles." It i s so fun to have girls.
3. Having a single date with Em to Sacrament Meeting because the others aren't feeling good. She said you can't count that a date but I thought it was fun. I even bore my testimony because I wasn't rastling kids.
4. Jason took my primary class. (And today was my last day because I got released. I have like being in primary with my kids. Now I am the Ward Activity Chair. ????
5. Abbie spent all afternoon cleaning the entire house just because. I love her!