
June 28

1.  Last night Abbie hosted a lovely garden party in the Yarro's backyard.  I was formally invited with an invitation and when I arrived Abbie and Isabelle were in matching outfits.  They had made freshly squeezed juice and brownies for refreshments.  They had a written script, took us on a tour of the garden they have been working on for two days (including a handmade water feature), and then we enjoyed live entertainment.  It was fun to see those creative girls in action.
2.  Took the boys to get shaved ice after camp tonight. Max won the ball handling contest.
3.  Went to get dry ice with Jason late lasat night for Max's warts.  Thank you to the man at the pharmacy who gave us that tip.  It only cost 5 cents:)
4.  Dallin H Oaks conference talk on Sacrifice. 
5.  Emilee went to do baptisms for the dead early this morning.


June 27

1.  I have been spending my nights working along side Jason at Riverside.  He has had an after hours pool project and I have been lucky enough to be his clean up crew.  I love being by him no matter where it is.  The nights have been so beautiful and I love watching my smart hard working husband in action.  One night I even let Jayne sneak in the pool for a bit:)
2.  Max is enjoying his favorite week of the summer.  He is at BYU baksetball camp and loving every second of it.  We went and watched his last game last night and I have already been down there twice today.  He called in need of a t-shirt because of the awesome honor code he couldn't wear his sleevless shirt into the cannon center for lunch:)  He reminded coach Rose that he would play for him someday.
3.  Emilee worked at the Zimbi plant today.  I love it when she is busy.
4.  Lucy is counting down the days until her birthday.  She has big plans... she was hoping for a grand party in wallsburg, then to Cafe Rio for dinner followed by a stop to get smoothies and then home for a big sleepover.  I am trying to help her revise it a bit:)  I love how she gets so excited about everything.
5.  We spent all Saturday at a 7 on 7 football tournament up in SLC for Max.  It was hot and fun to have a whole day to just watch him.  He was tired from camping all week.
6.  I took Jayne to the Strawberry Days carnival...just the two of us.  I tried my best to get out of it but she kept saying that by me not taking her it was making her "very very very angry and she knows what angry means - SAD!"  It actually was such a fun night to watch her so happy on every ride!
7.  Saturday night we took all the kids to the rodeo.  It was the best night!  The rodeo was great topped off with fireworks and dancing.  Emilee was so mad that we made her go and she was  mortified by all of our dancing.  But deep down she had to have had fun!  Then we talked our dad into taking us to Sonic for slushies before bed.
8.  Me and my mom went and got pedicures and to lunch for her birthday.  I love being with her!
9.  My dad picked me up from girls camp Thursday Night late because he didn't want me sleeping home alone.   I loved hearing Emilee bear her testimony.  I love her!
10.  Jamie is coming home.  I can't wait!

June 20

1.  Me and my girls watched "We bought a Zoo" last night.  Lucy was throwing up and sick:(
2.  Abbie has been going to UVU's basketball camp and then to PGHS's volleyball camp.  It has been some long days for her but I think she has been having fun.
3.  I love when Lucy and her friends are nice to Jayne.  She wants to be wherever they are and it makes all the difference when they are kind.
4.  Emilee texted me that they didn't have muddy buddys at camp, so I hurry and made up a bunch and sent them up with a leader. 
5.  Jason is heading up to be with Max tonight.  I'm glad they have each other!


June 19

1.  I have two kids at camp this week and our house feels lonely.
2.  I am so glad that Emilee decided to go to girls camp!!  It was a tearful Sunday for both of us as we struggled with the decision.  It is soccer camp this week at the high school too.  I watched her as she tried to decide what was best. Her tender spirit new she should go to girls camp and I was grateful that she listened to it!  I hope she has a great week!  I am thankful to Kari and some other influences for helping her get there:)
3.  Max looked so cute in his scout uniform as he headed out for a week.  I'm glad he has a good dad who helped him get all ready with his fishing pole, bike, and all his goods.  Jason is going up tomorrow to spend the rest of the week with him.
4.  Last night was one of the top 10 nights of my life.  Jason and I took the kids to ride bikes up the canyon to Vivian Park for a picnic.  It was so beautiful and just a perfect night in every way.  I loved watching  Lucy pedal her heart out and talk my ear off as we rode.  She sang primary songs and kept telling me how many pounds she was losing.  She took Emilee's big bike and we lowered the seat and she was a trooper!  Jayne rode behind Jason in her little carriage and Abbie lead the way with a big smile.  I hope I can remember that night forever!
5.  Jason and I have been exercising every night.  We found the most beautiful trail right behind our house that we didn't even know  existed.  We have been either hiking every night or bike riding up the canyon.  I love being with him!!!  The nights have been so beautiful with pink skies and perfect temperatures.  We even took Emilee and Max with us one Sunday night and started our hike at 10:00 and didn't get home until after midnight.  The Yarros joined us a few times.  I LOVE SUMMER NIGHTS!
6.  I love to lay by my little girls each night and sing to them as they fall asleep.
7.  My mom had Grandma's camp last week up at Wallsburg.  My kids had a week of a lifetime!  They don't stop talking about all of the fun they had and I know it will be something they will never forget.  They rode horses, went up to the homestead to the volcano, built a raft for the pond, had a fire, did art projects, had a star party on the tramp, made cookies, played and made flags for the tree house, everything they could have ever dreamed of.  Thank you mom for giving them that great memory this summer and for giving me a few days to enjoy!
8.  Abbie took first place with her softball team.  My mom came down to every one of her tournament games and I know it meant a lot to Abbie.  I loved watching her catch!
9.  Jayne's new response when I ask her to do something.  "Of course!"\
10.  Jason has been camping every weekend this month.  He went to Zions camp, Strippling Warriors camp, and headed to deacons camp.  He still has two more to go:) I love his texts at night when he gets in his tent!
11.  We had a great fathers day.  We went to Brick Oven with my dad on Saturday and then to Millers for dinner on Sunday.  I have been blessed with the greatest dad in the world.  I can honestly say that there is no one quite like him.  He gave me the greatest life a girl could ask for.  He made sure that I did everything that I ever wanted.  His encouragement, love, and oppinion has always meant the most to me.  I remember the times that I was away from home how much it meant to have him write me a letter or a little something on the bottom of my moms letters.  And I always looked forward to talking to him the most on the phone.  I always thought he was so wise and could always make me feel better when I was down.  I still look forward to anytime I am with him and love to watch him with my kids.  They love him so much too!

June 5 2012

1.  School is out and summer is a rockin and a rolling!
2.  Em is playing soccer 5 hours a day.
3.  Max started PG basketball camp yesterday and comes home with 20 friends after it is over. 
4.  I fed 14 kids lunch yesterday and today:)
5.  Jayne loves to have all of her friends home from school!
6.  Walking outside in the mornings.
7.  Going to softball and baseball games every night.  Max and Abbie are both their teams catchers and they are so fun to watch!  I feel like I have a set of twins with those two.  Abbie is a crack up to watch as she tries to scare back the runner to 3rd base.
8.  Max and Jason went to Zions camp together.  Max got to be on a tribe for the first time.  He bore his testimony 3 times this last weekend, one at ward testimonies, one in front of the whole stake, and one in sacrament meeting. 
9.  I took my girls to see Chimpanzee.  I had all 3 of the little girls sitting right on my lap.  Lucy said that the Chimp and the mother reminded her of me and her.  She cried through the whole movie.
10.  I love Jason's long curly locks!