
June 20

Now that my computer is fixed I have some catching up to do. Here are some of the good and bad of the past few weeks.

1. My computer is finally posting again thanks to Chris. It is working like a champ! Thank heavens I have such a smart brother in law.

2. School is out! The weather is warm, the nights are perfect, and there is no homework!

3. Going to Lucy's graduation. She was the cutest thing I had ever seen. She had her cute little peach dress on and had the BIGGEST grin on her face the whole time. She knew every word of every song and loved being in the spotlight. She is the cutest kindergartener I had ever seen!

4. Emilee's award assembly. She got high honors with a 3.95 GPA or higher and an athetic ward for track. I am so proud of her for working so hard to get good grades this year. Then she and Aylssa snuck out of school and went to field day with us.

5. Field Day. Max took first in the 4th grad and about 6th out of the whole school. Good work buddy!

6. Abbie ran her heart out!! It was the best I have seen her do. She was one of the first girls to cross and got a ribbon.

7. Mom came and stayed with us all day. The weather was perfect and it was so fun to watch the kids. Abbie bought more crap to eat and seemed to find a way to polish it all off.

8. Max's class play. He played a NBA mvp and actually got into it. I was surprised. His favorite line was "My fans now chant, "You got Millered!"

9. The dance festival. Abbie did "Surfing in the USA" and Max did the Thriller dance with Miss Bybee.

10. Our neighborhood end of school party up at McSpaddens. Food, friends, and sunshine!

11. Emilee calling me to come get her at a end of school party at "Who da mans" because she didn't like what they were doing and where they were going. I was so proud of her!

12. Going to Kym Z's reception and watching my dad socialize and love every second of it. Going to Cafe Rio with my parents after.

13. Jason going to Zions Camp and Max going up on Saturday to stay over. Jason's text telling me what an amazing testimony he bore in front of all the big boys.

14. Emilee trying out for the Blue Angels soccer team and making it. I hope she likes it.

15. Hitting a metal fence in my tahoe on the way to Max's baseball game and completely destroying my car. I had a little breakdown that night and told Jason I was ready for the summer to already be over. Thank heavens he was calm and nice about the major damage.

16. Going to up to girls camp with the bishopric and seeing my emilee. She is so beautiful even after a full week of camping. I missed her! She bore the cutest testimony and seemed far beyond her years to me. I loved their song "We believe." We took up homemade icecream and brownies and we froze.

17. My mom came and took my kids to wallsburg to sleep for the night.

18. Jason heading up to Flamming Gorge with the teachers. He hasn't and won't be home one weekend this whole month because of scout camps. I love him for being willing to do all that he does.

19. Staying up late all by myself and watching "500 days of Summer."

20. We got a new tv in our family room. I'm not sure how I am going to like it. It's been kinda nice to never have the tv on in our home.

21. Max has been going to the PG and Orem Basketball camps and of course loves every second of it.

22. Going up to the Rockey Mountaiin Raceway to watch the Jet and funny cars. The entertaining crowd. Patricia asking us if we could leave and the lady yelling "WHOOOOOO!" Freaky! Eating dinner at Red Rock in Salt Lake at midnight.

23. Ending up in the ER on Fathers Day night. Jayne's was jumping on the bed and her teeth bit through her mouth and she had to get stitches. Of course it happened the minute all of my family showed up to have treats for fathers day.

24. I have the best dad in the world!

25. Bret and Nicole took our kids to sleep over while we went to get stitches.

26. Going to 7 Peaks for the first time. The ridiculously long lines, and them throwing away our food and drinks. Jayne warming up to the slides, and watching Abbie and Max go down the boomerang together. I love days when my kids just play with each other!

27. Soccer season is over. My girls played hard and loved it.

28. Going to get swimsuits with Emilee, Abbie, & my mom. We will have to see how they turn out.

29. Swimming at my Grandma Bowden's with the kids. Helping her find her temple recommend after she had a complete break down.

30. Watching the Orem days fireworks from our roof.

31. Going to try out the new burrito place for mom's birthday and to watch the owls game. I loved it!! The weather was perfect, the kids were all happy to be with their cousins and I got to sit by Jason for a couple hours. They also had fireworks.

32. Max started BYU camp today. He has been counting down the days. I couldn't get Craig's truck to start today and Jason and Craig had to come to my rescue and trade me trucks. I feel so jinxed lately.

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