
August 8

1. My kids all had buddies to play with all day long.
2. Watching my cute husband out in the waves with his board.
3. Jason's fly by.
4. Lucy can swim! She just decided that she could do it and she can. I think it helped to see Dax and Jace swimming like fish. Now she can go anywhere.
5. Being able to sit down and hold Jayne all day. I never have time to just hold still and hold her. She hasn't got off my lap all day.
6. Watching Em and Jenny being fearless in the ocean.
7. Taco Bell for every meal for my kids.
8. Trying out A's burger. I loved the fried zucchini even if my stomach didn't agree.
9. Walking down for a yummy carmel apple.
10. Jason taking the kids for a late night swim.

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