
August 30

1. Katy. What a sweet, talented, and darling niece. I'm glad she knows that her aunt Kim likes to celebrate birthdays!
2. Max and I went and talked to Mr. Theler after school . I am still so torn.
3. Emilee brought home her new friend Maddi today after school.
4. The cooler nights for football practice.
5. Yummy homemade zucchini muffins from Tanya.


August 29

1. McKinnley! She is the most perfect well rounded girl. Beautiful, happy, humble, fun, and such a good girl. Just wish she lived closer!
2. My talk is over... Even if I did call the Bishop the wrong name.
3. Emilee cleaned our dirty kitchen today after church while Jason and I were at our meetings.
4. Standards Night with Emilee. Watching the incredible Trek movie made by Marlin, and listening to Cyrus's awesome testimony. He was in our family at Trek and was just diagnosed with cancer. He starts chemo tomorrow. Pray for him!
5. Our unforgettable experience at Trek!!!!

August 28

1. Max's first football game against Lone Peak. He played great, didn't get hurt, and the weather wasn't too hot. They lost but it was a close game.
2. A perfect date night with Jason!!! I surprised him and bought tickets to the John Michael Montgommery concert for us at the Scera. (Of course more for me then him.) I loved having the cutest date to sit across from at dinner and a buy one get one free meal at Mi Ranchito. It was such a beautiful night and the weather couldn't have been any better. It was so fun to cuddle up next to my favorite person in the world on our blankets. We loved the "honkey tonks and the poplar ballards".
3. Emilee!
4. Coming home to all of our kids sound asleep in their beds.
5. It's still August.

August 27

1. Max's day at school was a tiny bit better.
2. Teresa called Lucy over to play with Sophie.
3. Dinner with the Brodericks.
4. The kids decided to toilet paper the Yarro's while we were gone. (Like 8:30 pm) Of course they caught so Matt Yarro sent the kids up to the McSpaddens for a little more tp-ing. Max told us on the phone that he just did one little piece on a branch worried he was in trouble. funny!
5. Max and all his buddies playing here after school in their new game jerseys.


August 26

1. Holding baby Nixen. There is nothing better than a brand new little baby. Seeing him and all the babies in the nursery did something to me.
2. Riding behind Jason on his motorcycle. (I love him!)
3. Still no homework.
4. Max telling everyone that he is getting home schooled from now on and really wanting and believing he is.
5. Getting my air conditioner fixed in my car... I hope.


August 25

1. All the excitement that comes with the first day of school. Pictures of my kids on the front porch, new clothes, backpacks full of school supplies, and waiting to hear how everything went.
2. Taking a note to Emilee at school because of the rough morning we had. She woke up late and was so worried when she left.
3. Going with Lucy to her Kindergarten assessment. She is counting down the days!
4. Jason came home for lunch because he has a rib out of place and is hurting bad.
5. Seeing Abbie and Max sticking together after school after they had been left. The stayed together and started walking home. Abbie was so concerned about Max's bad day.
6. Mom and Dad came down to celebrate the kids first day of school today. They brought pizza and we watched Max's first football scrimmage.
7. That I still have Lucy and Jayne home with me.
8. That I get to be a stay at home mom and take my kids to school and be here when they get home.
9. Listening to the kids days as they ate hot chocolate chip cookies.
10. Baby Nixon is here!


August 24

1. Taking my cute Emilee to her first day of Jr. High. She got up at the break of dawn to get ready and then we hurried to get her there. Once we were there she didn't want to go in until she saw someone she knew. Once she saw Jr. pull up she jumped out and ran in with him.
2. Sitting in the living room with her to hear all the details of how it went.
3. A beautiful full moon.
4. Having Sophie here to play with Lucy. Melisa is having her baby today. I hope everything goes okay!!
5. Laying in bed next to Abbie tonight because she couldn't sleep and listening to everything she is excited and nervous about for school tomorrow.


August 23

1. Taking Max school shopping. Lunch at Taco Bell of course and then we found him a few items. Skinny jeans for boys? ... And two flannel checked button ups. He picked his own stuff and new exactly what he wanted. On the way home he thanked me of course and told me just because his clothes kind a look punk doesn't mean he is going to act like a punk. Funny!
2. Back to School Night and meeting all of the kids teachers. First to the Elementary School and then to the Jr. High. AHH!
3. Walking through the halls with Emilee at Oak Canyon. It was like the blind leading the blind in that big school. We found her locker, got it opened, saw all of her classes, and saw all of her friends. She is very nervous and super excited.
4. Back to School dinner, FHE, and Father's Blessings. "Forever Strong...Kia Kaha!"
5. The kids modeling their new clothes for us.
6. It is still summer!


August 22

1. Walking through the door after 3 rough hours of church.
2. Sunday Dinner at Millers.
3. Watching the Blindside as a family. (My favorite)
4. Sitting on the front porch with just Jayne and watching the wind and rain storm together.
5. Getting to do food orders for ward.


August 21

1. Jason's willingness to serve. Jason is always busy! He always has someone that wants a piece of his time and very rarely does he have time to himself. Today he set his alarm early to go help a boy in our ward with his Eagle project. He then helped 2 other families in our ward. If it's not work, church, or football, there is always someone that needs him. I am grateful that he is always willing to serve others and is a great example to our family. And the best part is -when he is home he always tries to make us feel like the most important thing to him.
2. Going to the Rogers tonight for the Stake Leadership party; yummy food, watching Jason do the Hakka, and the great people in our stake.
3. The kids having their end of summer movie party out on the Yarro's wall tonight. They watched Ghostbusters. Lucy had her pj's on at 5 PM and kept telling me that she needed "to get over there right now because she needed to help them set up."
4. My mom's These things I Celebrate blog.
5. I have had this blog for over a year now.
6. It is still summer!


August 20

1. The feeling of fall in the air.
2. Emilee all excited about her boy girl party over at Jr's tonight.
3. Opening night of high school football. And all though I really wanted to go, I opted to stay her with the girls so Jason and Max could go together. Jayne is just to busy to hold still right now.
4. Jason showed up to take me to 5 guys with them after the game. Only I was the only girl of about a million boys. Thanks for thinking of me hun!
5. Lemon Chiffon Custard.
6. It is still summer!


August 19

1. The Power of the Priesthood in my home.
2. Max's incredible faith.
3. Max's knee is healed.
4. School shopping with my girls.
5. Brooke.
6. Abbie mopping my floors tonight.
7. Emilee always being so willing to help with the kids when I need to leave.
8. Lisa Morris, Joseph and Colton being willing to work at the Cannery.
9. Max's great example to me and our family.
10. It is still summer!

August 18

1. Spending the day at the zoo with my kids. I loved watching Jayne's face with each new animal she saw.
2. Abbie's prayer after we saw the horrible wreck on I 215.
3. Watching football practice from the car as it poured rain. (Max hurt his knee. I hope he is okay!)
4. Jason loading the kids up after dinner to go get a donut.
5. Having 5 kids to love and be with everyday!
6. It is still summer.


August 17

1. Jason insisting that I go boating with him and the young men and young women today.
2. Papa Murphy's meal deals when I need to take dinner to someone in a hurry.
3. Colett for taking my girls! Thank You!
4. Watching Emilee interact with all the boys and have the time of her life.
5. We snuck Max with us and you should see him hang on to the back of that tube.
6. It is still summer!

August 16

1. My big brother Bret. His sense of humor and generous heart.
2. Making a yummy dinner out of left overs.
3. A few minutes of rain to cool everything down.
4. Getting my brakes fixed. I wrastled Jayne at Les Schwab today and it felt like forever.
5. It is still summer!


August 15

1. Seeing all of my kids cute suntan lines.
2. Jayne is officially old enough to go to nursery. Even though she screamed like both of her legs were cut off and I ended up in there the whole time.
3. Abbie telling me thanks for the fancy dinner.
4. Hearing what my kids learned in primary today.
5. Sitting outside tonight watching all the kids play.
6. It is still summer!

August 14

1. Max dressed in his football jersey headed to walk in the Lindon Days parade.
2. The funny memorable experience of heading to SLC to a class with Jason.
3. Talking at the Rio Grande and feeling so lucky to have Jason as my best friend.
4. Going to our ward party and the most perfect beautiful night.
5. Watching the Lindon Days fireworks.
6. That it is still summer.

August 13

1. Feeling like I can face anything after a week of R& R.
2. Getting to stay home and take care of my kiddos.
3. Going down to football practice tonight and watching.
4. Jason always mows our lawn and takes care of the yard.
5. That it is still summer!


August 12

1. Home sweet home.
2. Lunch in Vegas and walking through the M&M store.
3. Running into the Clarks and following Bret home at record speeds.
4. DQ ice cream in Beaver.
5. That Lindon isn't as blazing hot as Vegas.
6. Our Air Conditioner.

August 11

1. Walking down to the shops with the girls. The 15 dollar store and our cheap treasures.
2. Loving every second of our last day and trying not to let it pass away.
3. Playing smashball with Max, Jamie and Jay. Making bets with the boys and winning a massage. Jayne screamed through the whole thing because she wasn't in my arms.
4. A halibut sandwich at Nicks with Jason.
5. Cheesecake Factory dinner for.
6. Mom's cute family book pages she made for us all.
7. Sleeping with the deck doors open and hearing the sounds of the ocean.
8. The best week ever!

August 10

1. Kelly has Heath. Happy Anniversary.
2. Walking to the bakery for a cheese danish.
3. The sounds and smells of the ocean.
4. My kids can run back and forth from the pool and beach by themselves.
5. Grady throwing sand on Dad.
6. A big room for us all to stay in comfortably.
7. Dad and Mom made lunch for us all in our room.
8. A nap with Jayne.
9. Dinner at the White House with the adults and my yummy pasta.
10. Jason insisting on an ice cream after.
11. Another late night swim.
12. Sitting out on the big deck watching the waves with the kids.

August 9

1. No laundry, cleaning, cooking all week!
2. Wahoo's fish taco's.
3. The most perfect temperature ever!
4. Abbie and Max are both jumping the waves and loving it.
5. All the sand toys in the big bin.
6. Jason excavating his chairs just right.
7. Matt digging the trenches to keep us all dry.
8. Dad bringing treats to the beach daily.
9. Walking down to BJ's for the yummiest pizza.
10. Mom's magical wand to help Lucy's stomach.
11. Getting to hold Lucy all night out on the deck listening to the waves crash. I love her!

August 8

1. My kids all had buddies to play with all day long.
2. Watching my cute husband out in the waves with his board.
3. Jason's fly by.
4. Lucy can swim! She just decided that she could do it and she can. I think it helped to see Dax and Jace swimming like fish. Now she can go anywhere.
5. Being able to sit down and hold Jayne all day. I never have time to just hold still and hold her. She hasn't got off my lap all day.
6. Watching Em and Jenny being fearless in the ocean.
7. Taco Bell for every meal for my kids.
8. Trying out A's burger. I loved the fried zucchini even if my stomach didn't agree.
9. Walking down for a yummy carmel apple.
10. Jason taking the kids for a late night swim.

August 7

1. Emilee's cd's she burned for us.
2. Jason telling me that he has never seen anyone pull more treats out one bag to keep Jayne happy. She did pretty good considering.
3. Jason's navigational system on his phone.
4. Texting Bret the whole way.
5. Arriving to my FAVORITE place on earth.
6. Seeing Jamie and her cute family.
7. Sitting on the Beach and soaking it all in.
8. Going to dinner as adults to the Rusty Pelican and the yummy cheese bread.
9. Jayne didn't get hurt from the broken mirror.
10. Mom taking Em for a late night ice cream.

August 6

1. Getting our house all clean before we left.
2. Sitting next to Jason for 5 hours as getting to talk to him as much as I wanted.
3. The Rio Buffet with Bret and Nic. Crab, Crab, and more Crab.
4. Going to the Belagio to see the beautiful flowers and the amazing water fountains.
5. That my kids are so sheltered. The minute we got to Vegas they kept saying "I don't like it here. I'm so glad that we live in Lindon." Emilee still hasn't gotten over it.
6. Max closing his eyes as we drove down the strip.
7. All 13 of us piling out of Bret's van and the crazy looks we got.
8. Our big room that slept us all just perfect. (Not that I slept. Lucy had a tummy ache.)


August 5

1. Lucy's cute curly hair.
2. Jayne is in her crib asleep right now. Whew! She wears me out!!!
3. Our little Trek party at the Carters tonight.
4. Shauna for continually to inspire and amaze me.
5. The beginning of having Jason all to ourselves for a week. Let the fun begin.


August 4

1. The most amazing storms on and off all day long. I love the smell of the rain and the sound of the thunder.
2. Football practice was cancelled because of the lightening and the down pouring rain.
3. Having all the kids here running in and out all night long, playing in the rain, and begging for more hot cookies out of the oven.
4. Finding the cutest video's of Lucy when she was in timeout as a little girl. I love her!!! Where does the time go?
5. Emilee telling me all about her great Book of Mormon of read a thon. She said that they all knelt down together and prayed after reading Moroni's promise. She said she could really feel the spirit. Thank you Young Women Leaders!!!
6. Taking Abbie to buy her monster doll today. She has been begging for this doll and so today she took her birthday money from her Grandma and finally bought it. The cutest part was she bought Lucy a doll too with the rest of her money. I love what a great big sister you are. She loved feeling so old paying for them at the register all by herself and she was so excited about getting her own receipt.
7. Nicole brought over the movie Princess and the Frog for our kids to watch on the way to Cali.
8. We got our room in Vegas booked for less thanks to Bret.

August 3

1. Jason dressing up like Captain Moroni tonight and speaking to the young women. And of course he was a mighty fine Captain Moroni!
2. Abbie got to go to achievement day today for the first time.
3. Max had a rough day today. He followed me around the house telling me everything that was bothering him. I'm glad he talks to me.
4. A late night ride behind Jason on his motorcycle down to Sonic for a drink.
5. Waking up in the middle of the night to a huge lightening and thunder storm.


August 2

1. Emilee spent the full day reading the Book of Mormon. She is reading the whole book in 3 days with her young women's. I was proud of her positive attitude.
2. We went over to the Rogers for FHE with the young women.
3. We have the best bishop in the world. He dressed up as King Benjamin and did such a great job.
4. Homemade rootbeer floats.
5. Jason's been doing the laundry the past two days!
6. Jayne's cute little body cruising around in her diaper.


August 1

1. We still have a few more weeks of Summer! Please don't end!
2. The yummiest beef taco's for dinner.
3. All of my kids fasting today for missionary work and their dad.
4. Abbie bore her testimony again. She looked so cute with her baptism dress and sparkly head band.
5. A trek testimony meeting.
6. Talking to Shauna and Colett on the curb all night with cookies and Frescas.

July 31

1. My sweet Abbie got baptized! She looked beautiful in her white dress and was smiling from ear to ear. After I got her all ready she snuck in and put make up on. AH! And it didn't come off very good. She thought it was perfect for her special day.
2. Max gave the opening prayer and Abbie bore her testimony. Abbie said I could feel the Holy Ghost during the song. (I could too!)
3. I am so grateful that her dad is worthy to baptize and confirm her.
4. It was so nice to have everyone come so early on a Saturday morning to share this special day with her.
5. After it was all over with she said "that was so fun I want to do it all over again."
6. Everyone came to the house for waffles afterward.
7. Mom gave Abbie the softest & cutest green blanket. She carries it every where she goes.
8. We took the kids to the pool.
9. 5 Guys and a Salt with Yarro's.

July 30

1. Emilee's good attitude and help. Maybe there is something to sleep overs. She woke up so happy & ready to prove to me that it was a good idea.
2. Loading up on groceries.
3. Getting ready for Abbie's big day.
4. Dinner at home with kids tonight as we worked in the yard.
5. Jayne's cute blonde curls.