1. Having Children to celebrate Halloween with. Em was an 80's work out girl, Max a Zombie, Abbie a Diva, Lucy a Witch, and Jayne a little piggie. I love them all!
2. Jayne got the swine flu shot. Hope she stays healthy.
3. Going through the Roberts haunted garage. FUN!
4. Having yummy pumpkin pancakes for breakfast all together as a family.
5. Yummy Halloween dinner at Grandma Millers.
October 29
1. Emilee is so responsible, studies hard, and always tries her best at everything she does.
2. Jason helping me carpool the kids tonight to and from dance.
3. My warm down comforter on my bed.
4. Having someone to sleep next to every night.
5. Going to the school to spotlight Max. Making a poster of him and seeing what a cute kid he is at school.
2. Jason helping me carpool the kids tonight to and from dance.
3. My warm down comforter on my bed.
4. Having someone to sleep next to every night.
5. Going to the school to spotlight Max. Making a poster of him and seeing what a cute kid he is at school.
October 28
1. Having my family over for our annual Halloween party.
2. The Anderson family and their hard work and generosity in sharing their fun train.
3. Matt looked good.
4. The Jazz had their season opener tonight. Go Jazz!
5. King Benjamin's address in the Book of Mormon.
2. The Anderson family and their hard work and generosity in sharing their fun train.
3. Matt looked good.
4. The Jazz had their season opener tonight. Go Jazz!
5. King Benjamin's address in the Book of Mormon.
October 27
1. Having a boy to go to the Pine Wood Derby with. Wow Jason put some time into it. We stayed up until 2 AM last night and then worked on it again today with some finishing touches. That doesn't count all of the many hours throughout the week he and Max have spent working on it. I thought it looked awesome and Max was sure excited.
2. Our funny hard knock experiences with Network Marketing! (I love Jason!)
3. Talking with my mom in the car.
4. Her navigational system and driving straight to our destination.
5. Seeing how excited Jayne is to see me when I come home.
P.S. Today was the first snow fall. I usually get excited for the very first snow but today I was bummed. I want our warm weather back!
2. Our funny hard knock experiences with Network Marketing! (I love Jason!)
3. Talking with my mom in the car.
4. Her navigational system and driving straight to our destination.
5. Seeing how excited Jayne is to see me when I come home.
P.S. Today was the first snow fall. I usually get excited for the very first snow but today I was bummed. I want our warm weather back!
October 26
1. Going to Max's first basketball game. The score was 51 to 12. Our team being 12. But Max scored 2 of those 12 points. It was sure fun watching him hustle and try his best. This will be an interesting league. Very competitive with a lot of talent. Go Max!
2. The kids are all finally in bed, homework done and the house is quiet. I thought I was going to lose my mind there for a bit. That last hour before bed is always rough. Everyone starts pulling out their papers out of their backpacks, everyone needs help with their homework, everyone is hungry, Lucy needs her bum wiped, Jayne is whining and tired, the phone is ringing, drinks are spilling, girls are wanting curlers in their hair, the house is a complete wipeout for the 3rd time for the day ....sheer kaos!
3. Isabelle is feeling better and Abbie has her buddy back.
4. Another shot for my sweet Jayne. Please ears get better!
5. So far no swine flu. (knock on wood!)
6. Jason's long curly hair
2. The kids are all finally in bed, homework done and the house is quiet. I thought I was going to lose my mind there for a bit. That last hour before bed is always rough. Everyone starts pulling out their papers out of their backpacks, everyone needs help with their homework, everyone is hungry, Lucy needs her bum wiped, Jayne is whining and tired, the phone is ringing, drinks are spilling, girls are wanting curlers in their hair, the house is a complete wipeout for the 3rd time for the day ....sheer kaos!
3. Isabelle is feeling better and Abbie has her buddy back.
4. Another shot for my sweet Jayne. Please ears get better!
5. So far no swine flu. (knock on wood!)
6. Jason's long curly hair
October 25
1. My baby! There is nothing I love more in this world than a baby of my own to hold, kiss, and love.
2. Watching my kids in the Primary Program. They all started off the meeting together with their speaking parts and did such a great job. Lucy's cute "ETERNAL family" Watching her on the front row and Max with the bells.
3. My mom coming to watch them.
4. Emilee setting her alarm to get up early, put curlers in her own hair, got herself ready and then came up to see what she could do to help me. I love her! She made breakfast, packed the bag, got Jayne dressed.
5. The Primary Organization and the things that it teaches my children. It is nice to know that they are learning what is important from other teachers then me.
2. Watching my kids in the Primary Program. They all started off the meeting together with their speaking parts and did such a great job. Lucy's cute "ETERNAL family" Watching her on the front row and Max with the bells.
3. My mom coming to watch them.
4. Emilee setting her alarm to get up early, put curlers in her own hair, got herself ready and then came up to see what she could do to help me. I love her! She made breakfast, packed the bag, got Jayne dressed.
5. The Primary Organization and the things that it teaches my children. It is nice to know that they are learning what is important from other teachers then me.
October 24
1. Motrin
2. Wendy Heim showing up out of the blue to help clean up the the spook ally.
3. Watching how much Jayne loves her dad.
4. Bundling up next to Jason at the BYU game.
5. No pets
2. Wendy Heim showing up out of the blue to help clean up the the spook ally.
3. Watching how much Jayne loves her dad.
4. Bundling up next to Jason at the BYU game.
5. No pets
October 23
1. Mothers Intuition. I knew Jaynie had ear aches! That poor little baby has been miserable all week because of a doctor who didn't care enough to listen to the mother. I hope her shot works quickly!
2. Lobster Fest at Fryers.
3. Holding Abbie on the couch tonight and just listening to her. She is beautiful.
4. A new shirt.
5. Mother's survival mode. Making it on ZERO sleep all week. Knowing that I have a full family counting on me and a kazillion things to do - gives me the strength to keep going.
2. Lobster Fest at Fryers.
3. Holding Abbie on the couch tonight and just listening to her. She is beautiful.
4. A new shirt.
5. Mother's survival mode. Making it on ZERO sleep all week. Knowing that I have a full family counting on me and a kazillion things to do - gives me the strength to keep going.
October 22
1. Hand Sanitizer
2. The kids fun "Spooktacular" at the school. Max got to be in it. He came home yesterday after school all teary because he didn't get chosen and then late last night we got a call from Miss Mather saying that she needed a couple more kids. It was like he had just won the lottery. I found out today after school that he needed a scary outfit so ran to Walmart for a costume and made his year.
3. Jason helping me cut the kids frames for reflections just perfect.
4. Dove Chocolates. It is 3:30 a.m. and Jayne hasn't slept good for nights...ahhh! A middle of the night treat keeps me going.
5. Taking Lucy and Jayne to visit my Grandma B and her looking through her house for something she had for Lucy in an envelope. Then coming out with 2$ for her birthday. ? And her toy drawer. I love her.
2. The kids fun "Spooktacular" at the school. Max got to be in it. He came home yesterday after school all teary because he didn't get chosen and then late last night we got a call from Miss Mather saying that she needed a couple more kids. It was like he had just won the lottery. I found out today after school that he needed a scary outfit so ran to Walmart for a costume and made his year.
3. Jason helping me cut the kids frames for reflections just perfect.
4. Dove Chocolates. It is 3:30 a.m. and Jayne hasn't slept good for nights...ahhh! A middle of the night treat keeps me going.
5. Taking Lucy and Jayne to visit my Grandma B and her looking through her house for something she had for Lucy in an envelope. Then coming out with 2$ for her birthday. ? And her toy drawer. I love her.
October 21
1. Lunch date with my Mom.
2. Her cute Halloween book she made for Lucy.
3. Talking to Kelly twice and some good laughs.
4. Watching Jason and Max work on his pine wood derby. (Jason work - Max watch)
5. Working on reflections with Abbie.
6. The Doc telling me that Jayne doesn't have ear aches.... even though I swear she does.
2. Her cute Halloween book she made for Lucy.
3. Talking to Kelly twice and some good laughs.
4. Watching Jason and Max work on his pine wood derby. (Jason work - Max watch)
5. Working on reflections with Abbie.
6. The Doc telling me that Jayne doesn't have ear aches.... even though I swear she does.
October 20
1. Playing "Hot Lava" with Lucy and jumping from couch to couch with Jayne in arms hoping that we wouldn't fall into the lava (carpet).
2. Clean clothes piled high.
3. Jayne in her new little piggie jammies.
4. Seeing my Max dressed in his scout shirt.
5. Watching the World Series every night as a family.
2. Clean clothes piled high.
3. Jayne in her new little piggie jammies.
4. Seeing my Max dressed in his scout shirt.
5. Watching the World Series every night as a family.
October 19
1. A minute tonight to go shopping all by myself.
2. Reading the friend with my kids at breakfast.
3. Apples
4. A healthy family!
5. My kids are old enough to help do the dishes.
2. Reading the friend with my kids at breakfast.
3. Apples
4. A healthy family!
5. My kids are old enough to help do the dishes.
October 18
1. Apple pancakes from the Paw. (I know I am grateful for a lot of food this weekend but thats what we do on vacation...eat!)
2. Our drive up to Cedar breaks and the beautiful mountains.
3. Jayne such a trooper on the trip. Easy going and no naps. Finally just passed out on the ride home.
4. Coming home to a clean house.
5. Having Jason right next to me for the 5 hour car ride.
2. Our drive up to Cedar breaks and the beautiful mountains.
3. Jayne such a trooper on the trip. Easy going and no naps. Finally just passed out on the ride home.
4. Coming home to a clean house.
5. Having Jason right next to me for the 5 hour car ride.
October 17
1. Delicious Bear Paw Vanilla Brule French Toast.
2. More swimming and loving being with my kids.
3. Nelsons Custard. (Carmel Cashew) Jason had 3 Doubles in on day.
4. McEwan and what a cute friend he is to Max.
5. New clothes for my kids.
2. More swimming and loving being with my kids.
3. Nelsons Custard. (Carmel Cashew) Jason had 3 Doubles in on day.
4. McEwan and what a cute friend he is to Max.
5. New clothes for my kids.
October 16
1. The BEST massage from my husband for 1 hour!
2. The sunshine!!!
3. Sitting by the pool watching my kids play Marco polo with Jason and enjoying the warm weather!
4. The play Annie at Toucan and the beautiful red rock surroundings.
5. Getting away from the housework and craziness of everyday life.
2. The sunshine!!!
3. Sitting by the pool watching my kids play Marco polo with Jason and enjoying the warm weather!
4. The play Annie at Toucan and the beautiful red rock surroundings.
5. Getting away from the housework and craziness of everyday life.
October 15
1. Going to the Kwanas Park today with the kids. Swinging with Jayne, watching Max cherry drop and fly like spiderman from the bars to the slide, eating creamery ice cream and enjoying the BEAUTIFUL weather!
2. That nothing happened in my little Creamery incident.
3. Going with Max and Jason to Los Hermanos on a date.
4. Fall break and having my kids home today.
5. Holding Jayne tonight while she was so sad and cuddly. She might be acting like she isn't feeling good. Please don't get sick!!!!!
2. That nothing happened in my little Creamery incident.
3. Going with Max and Jason to Los Hermanos on a date.
4. Fall break and having my kids home today.
5. Holding Jayne tonight while she was so sad and cuddly. She might be acting like she isn't feeling good. Please don't get sick!!!!!
October 14
1. The beautiful rainbow after all the rain.
2. Going to lunch with friends.
3. No bedtime tonight.
4. Shopping with Jason and kids at Kohls.
5. Jayne's toothless smile.
2. Going to lunch with friends.
3. No bedtime tonight.
4. Shopping with Jason and kids at Kohls.
5. Jayne's toothless smile.
October 13
1. My Lucy's cute curly hair. It just fits her so perfect.
2. That I don't have to drop off my children at daycare everyday!
3. The smell of rain.
4. Getting a kiss from Jason every night when he walks in the door from work.
5. Memories of sharing a room with my sisters growing up.
2. That I don't have to drop off my children at daycare everyday!
3. The smell of rain.
4. Getting a kiss from Jason every night when he walks in the door from work.
5. Memories of sharing a room with my sisters growing up.
October 12
1. Going to the pumpkin patch with Lucy. I have been going there every year with one of my kids preschool since Emilee was 3. And I love it. It is so fun to watch them all run around and play and then pick out the perfect pumpkin. Jayne was happy being pushed around in her stroller. I hope it's not to soon that I will be going with her preschool class.
2. 4 corners for family night.
3. A short week of school because of fall break which means less homework.
4. Oprah
5. Football is over. (Happy and Sad) Having all of my family home tonight for the first time in months.
2. 4 corners for family night.
3. A short week of school because of fall break which means less homework.
4. Oprah
5. Football is over. (Happy and Sad) Having all of my family home tonight for the first time in months.
October 11
1. I team teach primary and had a Sunday off of teaching.
2. Sunday dinner at Grandma Millers and playing a fun domino game.
3. Good neighbors to borrow from.
4. Living in Utah.
5. Home teachers to teach my children important principles from someone other than me.
2. Sunday dinner at Grandma Millers and playing a fun domino game.
3. Good neighbors to borrow from.
4. Living in Utah.
5. Home teachers to teach my children important principles from someone other than me.
October 10
1. A handy husband that can fix anything. He can do any trade and is one heck of a sprinkler man.
2. A Quiet house...finally. Sometimes I feel like I am the mother of 18.
3. My experiences out on my own. Israel and Russia. I learned more in those months than in a lifetime.
4. My memories of Jason and I back when we were just kids.
5. My bed.
2. A Quiet house...finally. Sometimes I feel like I am the mother of 18.
3. My experiences out on my own. Israel and Russia. I learned more in those months than in a lifetime.
4. My memories of Jason and I back when we were just kids.
5. My bed.
October 9
1. A lunch date to Gloria's today with my two favorite people. (Jay & Jayne)
2. Our new basketball court is done! I can tell that it will be used and loved for many years to come.
3. Reading with Lucy this morning.
4. That all the kids congregate at our house to play. I like to keep my eye on all of my kids.
5. Lucy's apologies after she colored on our suede couch down stairs with a purple marker and lost Jayne's shoes at the neighbors. What am I going to do with her?
2. Our new basketball court is done! I can tell that it will be used and loved for many years to come.
3. Reading with Lucy this morning.
4. That all the kids congregate at our house to play. I like to keep my eye on all of my kids.
5. Lucy's apologies after she colored on our suede couch down stairs with a purple marker and lost Jayne's shoes at the neighbors. What am I going to do with her?
October 8
1. Tylenol
2. Going for a walk with Jayne in her stroller and Lucy pushing her teddy bear in her's.
3. Colett
4. Dancing with Jason
5. Jason helped Abbie with her homework.
2. Going for a walk with Jayne in her stroller and Lucy pushing her teddy bear in her's.
3. Colett
4. Dancing with Jason
5. Jason helped Abbie with her homework.
October 7
1. Having Jason at the head of this house. His wise counsel and knowing that he is always there to talk to the kids, discipline, and protect our family!
2. Watching Steph on Oprah today. Her courage and determination.
3. Good Reports from SEP'S. That my kids always give their best.
4. New cute clothes for my kids for family pictures.
5. A warm bath.
2. Watching Steph on Oprah today. Her courage and determination.
3. Good Reports from SEP'S. That my kids always give their best.
4. New cute clothes for my kids for family pictures.
5. A warm bath.
October 6
1. Putting my 5 kids hand prints in our wet cement out on the new basketball court today and what cute hand prints they are!
2. Hot Neman Marcus Cookies.
3. The GREAT life I have. Watching how hard Jason's concrete workers work puts everything into perspective for me today. We are so blessed and life is not fair!! Wish we could live the law of consecration where everything was equal for everyone!
4. Having family prayer every night.
5. Listening to Lucy practice her part for the primary program out on the porch this morning.
2. Hot Neman Marcus Cookies.
3. The GREAT life I have. Watching how hard Jason's concrete workers work puts everything into perspective for me today. We are so blessed and life is not fair!! Wish we could live the law of consecration where everything was equal for everyone!
4. Having family prayer every night.
5. Listening to Lucy practice her part for the primary program out on the porch this morning.
October 5
1. Having the kids home today to help me get a head start on the cleaning for the week!
2. My Testimony of the Book of Mormon. Now I just need to be a little more consistent and diligent in reading it.
3. Being raised in the gospel by my good parents.
4. Chips and Salsa from Tanya tonight. Of course Max can't get enough of them.
5. Bathing my girls tonight.
2. My Testimony of the Book of Mormon. Now I just need to be a little more consistent and diligent in reading it.
3. Being raised in the gospel by my good parents.
4. Chips and Salsa from Tanya tonight. Of course Max can't get enough of them.
5. Bathing my girls tonight.
October 4
1. Jenny. What a happy, humble, & sweet niece she is and a great Friend to Em. Emilee slept at her house this weekend, went to the Olive Garden, to the movie Fame, sold potatoes, and had a fun being with her best buddy.
2. Conference weekend. (The best weekend of the year!) Sleeping in, staying in our pajamas, yummy breakfast, cuddling up downstairs with blankets and enjoying all the great talks, the amazing Tabernacle Choir, Elder Holland's talk on the Book of Mormon, the in between conference program on Service in Honduras, cowboy caviar, throwing the football outside.
3. A living Prophet! President Monson and his message to love and serve others.
4. The smell of the heater on in the house and being warm on this cold weekend.
5. Apple Cake with carmel and whip cream.
2. Conference weekend. (The best weekend of the year!) Sleeping in, staying in our pajamas, yummy breakfast, cuddling up downstairs with blankets and enjoying all the great talks, the amazing Tabernacle Choir, Elder Holland's talk on the Book of Mormon, the in between conference program on Service in Honduras, cowboy caviar, throwing the football outside.
3. A living Prophet! President Monson and his message to love and serve others.
4. The smell of the heater on in the house and being warm on this cold weekend.
5. Apple Cake with carmel and whip cream.
October 3
1. Jayne in her baby bunting bundled up and happy as can be at Max's chilly football game.
2. Listening to Lucy laugh hysterically all the way through ice age 3. Tonight we went to the movie with Grandma Clark during the Priesthood Session.
3. Watching Jason in his element on the mini ex today as he worked on our basketball court. That is one of the reasons that I married him. He has always been a worker!
4. My mom is my seamstress when I need a little help. Why can't I sew?
5. Having Jason to go to grocery shopping with tonight and his funny confrontation.
2. Listening to Lucy laugh hysterically all the way through ice age 3. Tonight we went to the movie with Grandma Clark during the Priesthood Session.
3. Watching Jason in his element on the mini ex today as he worked on our basketball court. That is one of the reasons that I married him. He has always been a worker!
4. My mom is my seamstress when I need a little help. Why can't I sew?
5. Having Jason to go to grocery shopping with tonight and his funny confrontation.
October 2
1. Going to Abbie's class today for Mrs. Bohrer's shower and seeing what cute little girl she is.
2. Our project we started for Max's basketball court.
3. Having a date with Lucy tonight. She chose chucke cheese and when I turned that down we hit Juice Press.
4. Having some time to myself tonight after the girls all went to sleep.
5. That Jason has his Max to go to the BYU game with.
2. Our project we started for Max's basketball court.
3. Having a date with Lucy tonight. She chose chucke cheese and when I turned that down we hit Juice Press.
4. Having some time to myself tonight after the girls all went to sleep.
5. That Jason has his Max to go to the BYU game with.
October 1
1. Seeing my beautiful girls dance pictures.
2. Talking to Jennifer on the phone.
3. Homemade chicken noodle soup.
4. Motrin. Jayne isn't feeling really good and she was fussy all night until I doused her up with a little Motrin. Thank heavens for modern medicine! I hope it is nothing at that she feels better soon.
5. Lucy saying "Okay mom" over and over again today with a smile.
2. Talking to Jennifer on the phone.
3. Homemade chicken noodle soup.
4. Motrin. Jayne isn't feeling really good and she was fussy all night until I doused her up with a little Motrin. Thank heavens for modern medicine! I hope it is nothing at that she feels better soon.
5. Lucy saying "Okay mom" over and over again today with a smile.
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