
February 25

1. Will power.
2. Ice Water
3. Jason doing Max's Washington Monument replica project tonight.
4. Getting into bed early. (This cold of mine is taking everything out of me and has turned into a yucky sinus infection.) I wish I could stay in bed all day!
5. Playing Barbie's with Lucy all afternoon. I love her!!!!!! It was hard to keep Jayne from wrecking everything she was doing. I am so grateful that I still have her home with me!


February 24

1. Being in the kitchen all day baking because it is snowy and cold- delicious cookies, soup, and scones.
2. Taking dinner to Connie.
3. Quiet time all to myself for a minute. The kids are in bed and Jason is at his game.
4. The conversations with my kids as we drive home each day from school. They all have so much to tell me.
5. Jayne's high chair. It is the only thing that can contain her for a minute.


February 23

1. Listening to Emilee give her science project and seeing her face her fear.
2. Taking Lucy to get registered for Kindergarten. I can't get over that she will be that old - it will break my heart. But boy is she excited and ready.
3. Eating all the fattening food that I desired.
4. Jason helped Max with his US symbol project while I was at dance with the girls and they got it all finished!
5. Watching my Abbie's toe touch at dance.... Unbelievable! Her teachers and everyone made such a big deal about it and she was just beaming!

February 22

1. Clean Sheets
2. Seeing Amy V's adorable new little baby. Oh how I love newborns!!
3. Going to Melisa's and her sharing her drops.
4. One last feeding by Jayne.
5. Jason playing a balloon game with the kids when I was ready to strangle them.


February 21

1. Surviving (barely) this long day!
2. Not having to go to ward council every month.
3. Emilee's Science Project is done.
4. Ice Cream Sundaes after dinner.
5. Jason took Jayne after a complete melt down while I was conducting.

February 20

1. Darin for finding Emilee a heart monitor for her Science Project.
2. Daylight donuts after Max's game.
3. Tissue for my nonstop runny nose.
4. Coming home from a date to all 5 kids cuddled up together asleep down stairs.
5. Jason's vow to take over the laundry and his attempt today. (I'm sure it will be his first and last day.)


February 19

1. Trying out the India Palace with Jason for lunch. It was my favorite! I have always loved Indian food.
2. Getting my flight booked for my girls trip.
3. Watching the Olympics in bed.
4. Jayne's pointing. She tells me from room to room where she wants me to carry her - and we usually end up in the pantry as she points to a treat.
5. Eye drops.

February 18

1. Trying out Rubio's the night it opened. I love fish tacos!
2. Bishopric training.
3. Max getting to go to the Flash Basketball Clinic and it being "the best night of his life!"
4. Slurpees made with sherbet and Sprite.
5. Jayne is kinda taking a bottle.


February 17

1. Maizie. She reminds me so much of my Abbie.
2. The Patriotic sing at the school. It brought back some great memories of being a kid at Westridge and preforming those same songs for my parents. I love America!
3. Lindon Elementary
4. Lucy in her cute braids.
5. My girls in the kitchen with me helping me make dinner.


February 16

1. Finally finding a minute to post Jayne's birthday.
2. Listening to Anne Dibb tonight and her storys about her dad.
3. President Monson and his loving example in service.
4. Having Emilee there with me.
5. Coming home to Jayne and Jason all cuddled up in bed and hearing Jason tell me how much he LOVES her.


February 15

1. Another holiday.
2. Going with the kids up to the cabin to sled and snowboard.
3. Max telling us that he is Shawn White and watching him snowboard.
4. Brick Oven Pizza at Millers.
5. Jayne is feeling better and was so mellow and happy today. She loved the Rhino and being outside with everyone.

February 14

1. Taking breakfast over to the Bishopric early this morning.
2. Having pink heart pancakes with holiday syrup with the kids before church and decorating the house before everyone woke up.
3. Visiting sisters in our ward with the RS presidency.
4. Having Jason as my Valentine for 18 years now. I love him!
5. Max's knee seems to be doing better. I hope it's not something serious.

February 13

1. A love date with my favorite person. We went to the mall, then to 5 Guys, and to see the movie "Valentines Day."
2. My beautiful roses from Jason.
3. An actual nap. I have been soooo tired lately from being up with Jayne a little more than usual since she hasn't felt good. I slept for about an hour today and I haven't done that for who knows how long.
4. Emilee played with Ashley today.
5. Getting to clean the church this morning again as a family.

February 12

1. Going up to my parents for an Olympic Opening Ceremony Party.
2. Surviving Abbie's Valentine Party at school. It was chaotic with Jayne not feeling well and being late.
3. Calvin being willing to come over to help me when I was all frazzled.
4. Going to see Andrea this morning.
5. That my mom is still healthy and I can see and talk to her when ever I need.

February 11

1. Lucy being so brave getting her kindergarten shots. She kept asking if it is her turn and just sat up so big and brave.
2. Trying to explain to Lucy that she had to pee in a cup and then when she finally did Jayne knocked the cup out of my hand and it dumped all out in the sink.
3. Filling out the stages questioner and knowing that my kids are developing great and are healthy.
4. Seeing how excited Max is to play football again. I watched him for a second tonight and he has become a great little player!
5. Collet driving to dance both ways to help me.


February 10

1. Jayne wanting me to hold her all day and night because she has a fever.
2. Jason vacuuming the house for my meeting tonight.
3. Jason taking me to Carabas today for lunch.
4. Life Insurance.
5. Miss Misti.

February 9

1. Jayne!!!! Jayne turned one today. What a happy year it has been! It is sad to see my little baby growing up.
2. Thinking back to everything that happened one year ago.
3. Brick Oven Pizza and making Jayne her first birthday cake.
4. Collet's adorable headband for Jayne.
5. Craig and Teresa coming over with a darling outfit and a big cuddly dog for Jayne.
6. Jayne's cute little growls and sounds.
7. Her adorable smile and the way she likes to stay close to me.
8. Her LOVE for her Daddy.
9. She has been so healthy.
10. Her love for animals, chocolate, the phone, the tub, and sitting on top of the kitchen table. Happy birthday Baby Girl! I hope that you will have many many happy years ahead of you... just not to quick.


February 8

1. Reading with Lucy every morning - just the two of us.
2. Working together as a family to clean the church for FHE.
3. Having 5 minutes to talk to Jason alone in the living room.
4. Finding my bag of stuff from Walmart still in the cart after I left it there and came back.
5. Jason's 60 second kitchen clean up with the kids.
6. Talking to Kelly and hearing all about Chicago.


February 7

1. Waking up to Max all showered and dressed in his suit ready to go to Stake Conference.
2. Stake Conference. Our great Stake leaders and their messages to go to the temple, pray, and have love in our homes.
3. EMILEE!!! She was willing to stay home and tend Jayne so I could go to Stake Conference, and all of her help cooking and cleaning today to get ready for the Superbowl.
4. Having Jason's family over for the game.
5. All of the YUMMY food and treats. I'm sure I am up a good 5 lbs!

February 6

1. A slow morning because we didn't have a game until noon.
2. A day shopping with Jason. I love it anytime he is with me.
3. Going to the adult session of Stake Conference tonight with the Roses and then to Outback.
4. President Rogers. What a great man he is. It was awesome to hear the the incredible stories of him going to Haiti.
5. All the people who are willing to sacrifice to go to Haiti and serve others.

February 5

1. No school today.
2. Going to Juice Press tonight with Jay, Em, Lucy, and Jayne.
3. Having time to work on my family book.
4. Being able to read the Book of Mormon for over an hour today all by myself and Loving it!
5. Being in Love.


February 4

1. Max all dressed up for Chinese New Year.
2. Wendy for always being my "go to gal" when I need something. She never disappoints.
3. Chocolate covered cinnamon bears.
4. An invite to go to lunch with Jason.
5. An opportunity for me and Em from Natalie. Thank You!

February 3

1. Having such incredibly great kids. I went to parent teacher conference tonight and couldn't be more proud. It is so good to know that your kids are trying their best and doing so well in school. And more importantly acting respectful and kind.
2. Going for shakes at Taco Amigo to celebrate great reports.
3. Going to lunch today with friends.
4. Max's book report is done.
5. A mid day call from Jason.

February 2

1. Memories. Today I went though all of my bags of kids clothes and cried as I thought back to each one of them at different times wearing those little outfits. Where does the time go? I have loved my almost 12 years of having little ones at home.
2. Getting a lot cleaned out and accomplished today.
3. Rumbi's for dinner.
4. My sister made it to Chicago alright.
5. A high chair to trap Jayne in for a minute of the day.


February 1

1. Heather giving me bags full of clothes for Jayne.
2. Lucy telling me "Mom you know how important this party is to me." She has been begging to go up to Sophie's house for a pajama party and I kept telling her that she needed to wait to be invited.
3. Wendy as a neighbor.
4. Holding Jason's hand in the car at night as we drive to pick up all the kids from their activities.
5. The beautiful sunshine.


January 31

1. My kids get themselves up and ready while Jason and I are at early morning meetings.
2. Gainell.
3. Delicious Sunday Desserts.
4. Watching the Grammys together as family.
5. A great inspired Bishop.

January 30

1. A CLEAN house. I was a mean mom today and had my kids work to clean up our piggy house.
2. Jason made it home safe.
3. Thoughtful In-laws.
4. Dinner all alone with Jay to Gloria's.
5. Watching Jason and the kids play dodge ball at our ward party. Having Jayne to hold so I didn't have to play.
6. A new IPOD for Em. Her last one got thrown in the toilet by Jayne one month after she got it.

January 29

1. That I am not a single mom. Jason went to Youth Conference today and I miss him even if it is just one night.
2. Listening to Max and all of his buddies wrestle in the dark downstairs with just flashlights during their late night. How lucky that he has so many friends close by.
3. Laying in bed and watching anything I wanted. Jason usually works the remote and we end up watching some boring trucking or educational shows.
4. Emilee got to go to the space center to sleep tonight. Boy was she excited!
5. Shauna brought me hot pumpkin bread and a smoothie for lunch.